Scenic Hills Elementary School 2014 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Presented by: Herronda Harley, Professional Learning Coach September 25, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenic Hills Elementary School 2014 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Presented by: Herronda Harley, Professional Learning Coach September 25, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenic Hills Elementary School 2014 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Presented by: Herronda Harley, Professional Learning Coach September 25, 2014

2 Purpose The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

3 What is Title I ? Title I is a program that is funded by the Federal Government that provides extra assistance to help students meet national and state achievement standards.

4 4 Goals of Title I Increase academic achievement Provide direct instructional support to students Provide professional development for teachers Promote parent education and involvement.

5 How Title I Works The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The State educational agencies send the money to the school district. The local school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I resources. Title I serves children through Schoolwide Programs or Targeted Assistance Programs.

6 6 Parent’s Right to Know All parents have the right to request the following: A teacher’s professional qualifications, licensure, grade certification, or waivers A teacher’s baccalaureate and/or graduate degree, fields of endorsement, or previous teaching experience A paraprofessional’s qualifications An annual notice or review of Student Education Records

7 7 Parent’s Right to Know All parents will receive information on the following: Their option to request a transfer if their child becomes a victim of a violent crime Their right to public school choice and supplemental services if their child’s school is identified for school improvement Their right to timely notification that their child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified Their child’s level of achievement in each of the State academic assessments

8 School Achievement TCAP Data Math % April 2013 Proficient and Advanced April 2014 29.3% 32.5% Reading % April, 2013 Proficient and Advanced April, 2014 27.6% 28.8% Science % April, 2013 Proficient and Advanced April, 2014 26.6% 41.4% Status of Scenic Hills for 2013– 2014

9 Additional Assessments Assessments are used to help teachers determine if a student is understanding the content presented in the classroom. In addition to TCAP, we use the following assessments for our students: – Weekly skills tests in all core subjects K-5 – Reading and Math benchmark tests – Progress Monitoring three times a year – Discovery Formative Assessments (K-5 th ) –TCAP 3 rd -5 th Grade Writing Assessment

10 Reporting Student Progress Daily Reports Weekly Reports Progress Reports (every 4 ½ weeks) Report Cards (every 9 weeks) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Sept 18 th and Feb. 12 th ) Telephone Conferences Student Folders/Agenda Books

11 Scenic Hills Elementary School Parental Involvement Policy Parents will become involved in the educational process by: Regularly attending school events Serving on the Site-based Leadership Council and School Improvement Plan Committees Using talent and resources to enhance the instructional program

12 12 Scenic Hills Elementary School Parental Involvement School/Parent Compact: An agreement that identifies the responsibilities of the school, the parent, and the student to ensure that all students are successful in all that they do. Family Engagement Plan: A written plan jointly developed with parents and teachers and staff that outlines expectations for parent and community involvement.

13 Parent Involvement at Scenic Hills Elementary School Meet the principal/teachers Parent/Teacher Conferences (1 each semester) Skate Nights Various meetings (Site-based Leadership, PTO) Parent Workshops (Mr. Sample) Family Events (Reading and Math Night Awards Assemblies (After each report card) Invitations to classroom activities Other activities planned (Spring Coronation & May Day)

14 What Can I Do To Support My Child? Share a love of learning Read to your child Ask your child to read to you Limit TV time Take advantage of the public library and the school media center Show interest in your child’s school day Ask questions Ask to see homework Praise their efforts Encourage good study habits-set aside a time and a quiet place for them to study and do homework

15 Get to Know Your School & Communicate With Teachers Attend school events Visit the classroom Volunteer at the school Join parent organizations Keep teachers informed Attend special parent trainings through Title I Attend parent-teacher conferences Be prepared for the meetings Consider whether you have met your responsibilities as stated in the parent- school compact List your questions before the meeting

16 Process for Contacting Staff If you have questions or concerns relating to your child’s performance in school or other issues, please contact the school at 416-4342.

17 TCAP Preparation What is TCAP? –The TCAP Achievement test uses multiple choice questions that provide a measure of knowledge and application skills in various subject areas for grades K-8. The results of the TCAP Achievement Test provide valuable information regarding student's progress in Tennessee.

18 Who will take the TCAP Achievement Test? The TCAP Achievement test is mandated for all students in grades 3 rd through 8 th. The SAT-10 is mandated for all students in grades 1 st and 2 nd.

19 What Subjects are covered? The test for grades 1-2 includes reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, word analysis, vocabulary, language mechanics, math computation, and spelling. This is called the Stanford Achievement Test, SAT 10 The tests for grades 3-8 include reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

20 When will the test be administered to Tennessee students? TCAP Writing Assessment February 2-27, 2015 (3-5 th grade) TCAP Achievement April 28-May 4, 2015 (Grades 3-8) TCAP Stanford 10 May 5-8, 2015 (Grades 1-2)

21 What can parent, teachers, school counselors and administrators do to help prepare students for the test? During the School Year: Communicate any concerns regarding the student's performance immediately. Be aware of your school's testing dates and times. Ensure that the student completes all homework assignments. Parents should set aside a daily study time. Discuss the students' school work with him or her regularly. Praise the student for hard work and good effort. Encourage the student to ask questions at home and in class. Convey to the student the importance of a good education.

22 On the Day of Testing Parent Should: Provide a healthy breakfast for your child. Make sure that your child attends school. Be sure that your child is at school on time and relaxed. Encourage your child to do the best work possible. Not cause your child any unnecessary stress regarding the test.

23 The 4P’s Be Prompt In class, at school on time ready to learn. Turn homework/classwork in on time. Be Prepared Have all materials and practice responsibility by taking care of belongings. Be Polite Use please, thank you, excuse me and THINK before speaking. Be Positive Always give your best! Make the most of each day!

24 Questions Thank You For Attending! 24

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