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Thesis Formulation and outlining

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1 Thesis Formulation and outlining

2 Our Objectives: To identify topic sentences in paragraphs;
To critique sample thesis statements; and To write an outline of a reading selection.


4 What is the topic sentence?
A computer may do wonders but it is still a machine. It can make extremely fast calculations-millions in a second. It can store billions of data in its memory, to be retrieved for later calculations. However, computers do only what they are “programmed” to do. They are at the beck and call of the person running them. If the programmer switched it off, then, the speedy calculations and the million-data memory are rendered inutile. Or if the programmer makes mistakes, then the computer also makes mistakes.

5 What is the topic sentence?
Ever noticed how vines climb by twisting their stems around a stronger trunk of support? Generally, they twist counterclockwise. Have you observed that smoke coming from a chimney twists counterclockwise, too? Typhoons and hurricanes whirl in a counterclockwise way. And water whirlpooling down the kitchen sink makes counterclockwise motion too. Why? There are laws of nature that we just cannot explain.

6 Exercise: I. Choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph below. ________________________________________ . First of all, we need money to repair old roads and build new roads. We also need more to pay teachers’ salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally, more tax money is needed to give financial help to the poor citizens of the city. It is clear that the city will have serious problems if taxes are not raised soon. a) We should raise city taxes. b) City taxes are too high. c) City taxes pay for new roads.

7 II. Examine the paragraph and identify the following:
Topic sentence Supporting details Irrelevant sentence Clincher sentence

8 A. The capital city of a country is usually a very important city. B
A. The capital city of a country is usually a very important city. B. The government offices are located in the capital city and political leaders usually live there nearby. C. There are many different types of governments in the world. D. The capital may also be the centre of culture. E. There are often museums, libraries, and universities in the capital. F. Finally, the capital city can serve as a centre of trade, industry and commerce, so it is often the financial centre of the country.

9 A. There are several ways people can conserve natural resources. B
A. There are several ways people can conserve natural resources. B. One way is to turn lights off and appliances when they are not in use. C. Another way is to drive cars less. D. My favourite kind of car is convertible. E. People can also insulate their houses better. F. Finally, by reusing things like bottles and plastic bags, people can reduce the amount of waste. G. By practicing these simple guidelines, we can save our natural resources.

10 Choose the topic sentence:
A) Never before has media and communication technologies been as personal and encompassing as it is today. B) When my parents were teenagers, what they knew about their Asian neighbors came from an encyclopedia and black and white television. C) I imagine that the information they got was general, maybe even stereotypical. D) Four decades later, despite the oceans between us, I have the benefit of knowing foreign friends better. I can easily direct them to the website of my favorite local band. E) They can, just as easily, tell me how their day at work went via instant messenger.

11 Choose the topic sentence:
A) I am inspired by the story of a youth organization in the Philippines which initiated a video conference between students from a school in Metro Manila and a school in Mindanao. B) Seeing each other for the first time on widescreens, a panel of student representatives from each school spoke to each other in real time. They talked about their favorite classes and fun extra- curricular activities. C) They talked about the conflict in Mindanao and what they thought about peace. D) More importantly, they talked about their first impressions of each other and how so much had changed after just 30 minutes of the video conference. E) And as they did that, their teachers, parents, fellow schoolmates, and communities watched.

12 Choose the topic sentence:
A) I am certain that not a few lives were changed that day. B) For the students in Metro Manila, Muslim Mindanaoans in the south would no longer be compartmentalized into labels such as "separatists" or "terrorists". C) As for the students in Mindanao, Metro Manila is no longer embodied by soldiers who can turn them and their families into refugees in an instant. D) What students from both sides saw were children not unlike themselves. E) We can only hope that what began with that 30-minute video conference can continue on with a lifetime of understanding and truthful connection.

13 Think-Pair-Share State the topic sentence.
What happens when media and communication technologies are used with evil intent? The result is disastrous. Media is, after all, just a tool. In the wrong hands, misinformation and "hate speech" can be easily spread. Peacemakers of today and of the future have to capitalize on these tools to amplify the truth as loud as they can, across borders. Tony Blair, Britain's former prime minister, aptly describes the new struggle: "…because mass media and communication convey powerful images in an instant across the globe, it dictates that struggles are fought as much through propaganda, ideas and values as through conventional means, military or diplomatic."

14 Suggested answer: Media and communication technologies can be used either for good or for evil intent, and so peacemakers must capitalize on these tools to amplify the truth.

15 Choose the topic sentence:
A) Each generation has its peacemakers. B) What this generation will see are peacemakers who will not only sow peace but amplify it across borders, empowered by media and communication technologies. C) Some will speak about specific advocacies. D) Others, by simply sharing aspects of themselves and their cultures, will foster connection and understanding. E) In the information age, the new batch of peacemakers will say that it chooses the Internet, blogs, and television over guns, bombs, and tanks.

16 How do you feel?

17 What is the best thesis statement of the essay we just read?
A. Media and communication technologies can be used to spread messages of love and peace, and not of war and strife. B. Through media and communication technologies, we begin to see beyond the first impressions, and we can continue on with a lifetime of understanding and truthful connection. C. This generation has a better capacity for bringing about a more peaceful world though personal and encompassing media and communication technologies. D. With the power of media and communication technologies, peacemakers must be able not only to sow peace, but amplify it across borders.

18 How do you feel?

19 Celebrating International Day of Peace

20 The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban
I AM MALALA The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban

21 T-G-S Critique the following thesis statements.

22 For true peace to be achieved, the past generations must begin trusting the youth today.

23 2) Malala Yousafzai is the embodiment of “the youth as the hope of the future” for she remains a staunch advocate of universal access to education.

24 3) Facebook is the most popular and frequently used social media platform among teens; half of teens use Instagram, and nearly as many use Snapchat.

25 4) Although millennial teenagers are branded as self-entitled and highly individualistic, many are capable of initiating and carrying out peace initiatives through their social media use.

26 How do you feel?

27 Give Peace a Chance

28 References: Elicano, A.R.A. (2007). Amplifying peace across borders. GoI Peace Foundation Winning Essay. Retrieved from _02.html.

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