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NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Lecture 19 EPIC background Event lists and selection The RGA Calibration quantities Exposure calculations.

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Presentation on theme: "NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Lecture 19 EPIC background Event lists and selection The RGA Calibration quantities Exposure calculations."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Lecture 19 EPIC background Event lists and selection The RGA Calibration quantities Exposure calculations

2 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Background Background from instrumental noise –Worse at low energies & higher chip temperatures. X-ray background –Cosmic –Fluorescence Si of course, but also Al and Cu from support structure. Particle background –Hard, penetrating – “cosmic rays”. Fairly constant in time; Fairly isotropic. –Soft protons (~100 eV). Flaring time behaviour. Funnelled by the mirrors. These weren’t suspected before launch! A major headache, because too strong a flare can damage the CCDs.

3 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Background examples Note the background in the masked areas. Mostly from flares. Cu fluorescence.Instrumental noise at low energy. (Masking here is done via software.) MOS pn dec RA

4 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Background – what to do with it Significance of background depends on what you want to do. –Spectra: obviously one needs to know the spectrum of the background as well as possible. –Images, in particular source detection and flux measurement: spatial properties of the background are important. Cosmic ray, x-ray and flares all have different spatial behaviour – so working out the proportions is important. –Time series: Soft proton flares dominate the problem.

5 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Other mainly spatial problems with EPICs: Optical loading from a bright visible-light source (filters minimize this) Single-reflection arcs from far-field sources

6 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Event lists In high-energy astronomy, we deal not with voltages or brightnesses (essentially floating-point quantities) but with lists of events – 1 event per photon. Each event comes with the following data: –Its pixel position on the CCD. –If necessary, the number of the CCD. –Its frame number. –Its energy. (XMM: the column is called PI.) Maybe also: a quality flag, event pattern, etc. In XMM output the events are stored in a table in a FITS file.

7 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Event selection The aim is to separate ‘interesting’ events from ‘boring’ events – eg divide the events into those which probably come from a source and those which don’t. All events GoodBad r E t Define a selection volume Limits in defining volume shapes. Problems integrating over overlapping volumes. FITS format for storing selections: Data SubSpace (DSS)

8 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Diagnostic plots: It’s helpful to plot 2 of the event coordinates – here energy vs time. PN Cu fluorescence line Al fluorescence line Time Photon energy ‘Soft proton’ bursts

9 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Diagnostic plots: MOS 1 Al fluorescence line ‘Gatti’ events

10 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 V Gatti process – a kind of dithering. Histogram of events with voltage V. ADC levels are analog - thus not evenly spaced. Distorted digitized histogram. + V t ADC - Undistorted histogram. V t =

11 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 The Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGA) Each MOS has one. They divert about ½ the x-rays. Diffraction grating  array of 9 CCDs. Pixel position in the dispersion direction is a function of x-ray energy. – But not a linear function (I think there is a cosine term in it). Energy resolution is much sharper than via amount of charge the photons generate. Spectral orders overlap – –but the 2 nd order has even finer resolution.

12 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 RGA – plot showing the event pixel locations:

13 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 The ‘banana plot’

14 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 An example RGS spectrum: Spectral resolution: about 2 eV

15 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 An example EPIC spectrum: Spectral resolution: about 100 eV

16 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Charge redistribution Photons of a single, narrow energy give rise to broadened charge redistribution spectrum. –Partly because of Poisson (quantum) statistical variation; –Partly because of smearing out during the transfer of charges from row to row during readout. The relation between true spectrum S and measured spectrum S': R is called the redistribution matrix (RM). As the chips degrade with age (due mostly to particle impacts), the RM changes and has to be recalibrated. The philosophy with x-ray spectra is not to subtract background or deconvolve RM, but to begin with a model, and add background and RM-convolve this before comparing it with the measured spectrum. –See the program XSPEC.

17 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 MOS RM cross-section at 800 eV Energy of the x-rays

18 NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy - 2009 Evolution of the energy dispersion Black: pn Red and Green: the MOS chips MOS temperatures were lowered here. 1.5 keV 6.0 keV

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