Planning for success Kate Amis Manager, The Geography Ambassador Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for success Kate Amis Manager, The Geography Ambassador Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for success Kate Amis Manager, The Geography Ambassador Project

2 Thinking ahead ► What do you want in the future? ► Do you have any plans? ► What is at the top of your ladder?

3 Looking at my future from here Making plans

4 My career choice Course choices 16+ Work experience choices Course choices 14+ Here and now choices Your Career as a Ladder My university or training

5 The first rule ► Research ► What careers are available? ► What do the careers in each sector involve? ► How can I find out more? Contacts, work experience, visits, internet, library.

6 The second rule ► Planning ► From the future...........backwards ! ► Establish some long term goals. ► They do not have to be set in stone.

7 The third rule ► Target setting

8 Geography Creative Arts and Design Geography Mathematics GeographyEnglish Geography SportPoliticsGeography BusinessGeography BiologyGeography ICTGeography Photography ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? Activity 2

9 Career Areas ► Settlement ► Society ► Geographical techniques ► Physical systems ► Travel, leisure and tourism ► Economic world ► Development and global issues

10 Settlement ► Are you interested in shaping the relationship between people and their environments? ► Regeneration officer ► Landscape architect ► Town planner ► Environmental consultant

11 Kate – Surveyor I studied geography at Cambridge and on leaving I got a job with my current employer, Allsop Property Consultants. I did a masters degree for two years and qualified to become a Chartered Surveyor.

12 Leisure, travel and culture ► Are you interested in discovering, exploring and promoting different places, cultures or sports? ► Sports venue manager ► Event manager ► Travel or tour operator ► Youth and community officer ► Museum educator

13 John – Co Ordinator 2012 London Olympic Games.

14 Physical systems ► Do you enjoy being in the landscape and working with the natural environment? ► Coastal engineer ► Flood protection officer ► Weather presenter ► Environmental consultant

15 Lucy – Sky News weather forecaster and presenter I love the changing patterns of geography; no day is ever the same and geography keeps me on my toes.

16 Economic world ► Do you want to make key decisions that shape the commercial world? ► Lawyer ► Retailer ► Accountant ► Financial analyst

17 Antony- Retail location analyst I am currently working for a large retailer doing location planning. This involved plotting store locations and customer details onto a digital map.

18 Development and global issues ► Are you interested in world events? Do you want to work towards improving social inequality across the globe? ► Diplomat ► Overseas volunteer ► Aid worker ► Charity co-ordinator

19 Tania – DEFRA & United Nations I work on projects for DEFRA with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Sustainable Development Programme. I help organise meetings, write speeches and prepare briefings. I often visit New York and Nairobi.

20 Environment and Sustainability ► Do you care about the future of the planet? ► Resource manager ► Recycling officer ► Forestry manager ► Cycle route planner

21 Matt – Carbon budgets Our project is developing ideas for introducing a personal carbon allocation, which would give each of us an incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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