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The Muscular System Yeah…just like that!. Muscular System Overview The muscular system consists of all the muscles in your internal organs, as well as.

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Presentation on theme: "The Muscular System Yeah…just like that!. Muscular System Overview The muscular system consists of all the muscles in your internal organs, as well as."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Muscular System Yeah…just like that!

2 Muscular System Overview The muscular system consists of all the muscles in your internal organs, as well as those attached to bones. You have over 600 muscles responsible for moving body parts

3 FUNCTIONS of the Muscular System How do muscles cause movement? - They pull on bones. They cannot push at all. 1. moves body parts by contracting (getting shorter) 2. controls life functions (breathing, heartbeat, digestion, etc.)

4 Muscle Control Some muscles are controllable by your thinking, other ’ s aren ’t ! Rubbing your stomach.vs. making your heart stop beating. A voluntary muscle can be controlled by thinking. For example, the biceps of your upper arm. Involuntary muscles automatically contract on their own, such as your stomach.

5 STRUCTURES—Types of Muscle Muscles aren ’ t all built the same way They have different jobs STRONGEST muscles tire quickly ex: what you would use to push a refrigerator 1. skeletal muscles Two things about skeletal muscles: a.) they ’ re all voluntary and b). they are attached to bones & structures needing movement

6 Structures-Types of Muscle Flexor and extensor muscles usually work in pairs: i. flexor – bends a joint (biceps) ii. extensor – straightens a joint (triceps) Smooth muscle- found lining the internal organs. - They are good at changing the shape and thickness of organs like your intestines, bladder, and your blood vessels. a.they ’ re involuntary, working automatically b. found in internal organs (intestines, blood vessels) 2. smooth muscles

7 Structures-Types of Muscle The heart is made of cardiac muscle, which never has to rest to keep going for as long as you live. 3. cardiac muscle a. involuntary, thankfully b. found only in the heart so, those are the three types of muscle, what they do, and where they ’ re found!

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