1 st February 2013 Objective: To be able to create Frequency Polygons (grade C/D) Skills: Noticing, Making Links and Absorption By the end of the lesson:

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Presentation on theme: "1 st February 2013 Objective: To be able to create Frequency Polygons (grade C/D) Skills: Noticing, Making Links and Absorption By the end of the lesson:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st February 2013 Objective: To be able to create Frequency Polygons (grade C/D) Skills: Noticing, Making Links and Absorption By the end of the lesson: All: can identify the midpoint of grouped data Most: Plot a frequency polygon Some: Identify the modal class

2 Starter What is the midpoint between the following numbers? Green 1)0 – 10 2)40 – 50 3)30 – 40 4)0 – 100 5)0 – 50 Red 1)54 – 56 2) 5 – 9 3) 8 – 14 4) 38 – 52 5) 0 – 5

3 What is the midpoint between the following numbers? Green 1)5 2)45 3)35 4)50 5)25 Red 1)55 2) 7 3)11 4)45 5)2.5 Answers

4 Grouped Data Which day does your birthday fall in DayFrequency 1 st – 10 th 11 th – 20 th 21 st – 31 st

5 Greater than, Less than symbols In maths, we represent a numerical group using specific symbols x < 4 means x > 10 means

6 Using symbols to represent a group How much money do you spend a month on your phone? a) Up to £5 b) £5 or more and less than £10 c) £10 or more and less than £15 d) £15 or more and less than £20 We can use maths symbols to represent this !!! 0 M < 5 5 M < 10 10 M < 15 15 M < 20

7 Finding the Midpoint

8 Task 1 Paste the follow handout into your books. Then write next to each row the midpoint of the data as demonstrated previously. Extension available when finished

9 Solutions


11 Frequency Polygon In your GCSE these questions are worth 2 or 3 marks.

12 Finding the Midpoint

13 GCSE Question

14 Modal Class

15 The Steps What are the 3 steps to creating a frequency polygon?

16 Your Turn Complete the frequency polygon on the worksheet. When you are finished, there is an extension worksheet available.


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