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Where in the world is… Korea Describe where Korea is located in the world based on other countries and geographic features.

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Presentation on theme: "Where in the world is… Korea Describe where Korea is located in the world based on other countries and geographic features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where in the world is… Korea Describe where Korea is located in the world based on other countries and geographic features



4 The Korean War 6/25/50—7/27/53

5 Korea and the End of WWII Korea was occupied by Japan from 1910 to 1945 Allied forces of the U.S. and SU drove the Japanese from Korea during WWII July 1945 Potsdam— Korea will be divided

6 End of WWII, U.N. divided country along 38 th parallel N. Korea—communist with military ties to SU S. Korea—democracy left in the hands of Syngman Rhee, an anticommunist

7 Focus Free Writing: Korean War On the back of the timeline Write everything that you can about what you have learned so far about the Korean War Don’t stop writing until you are told to do so. Keep your pencil writing.

8 Image Analysis: The Korean War Summarize the intent of each of the following political cartoons. Illustration 1 and 2 Identify symbols Be prepared to explain view of cartoon.




12 What was M.A.S.H.? Mobile Army Surgical Hospital U.S. Army medical unit serving as a fully functional hospital in a combat area of operations designed to get experienced personnel closer to the front, so that the wounded could be treated sooner and with greater success.

13 Casualties were first treated at the point of injury through buddy aid then routed through a battalion aid station for emergency stabilizing surgery finally routed to the MASH for the most extensive treatment.

14 During the Korean War, a seriously wounded soldier that made it to a MASH unit alive had a 97% chance of survival once he received treatment

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