The United States Becomes a World Power (1850-1900)

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1 The United States Becomes a World Power (1850-1900)

2 Agree or Disagree? The United States has the right to invade a country if that country is a potential threat to the USA.

3 Agree or Disagree? The United States should send military and financial help to countries devastated by natural disasters (ex: Earthquake in Haiti, Tsunami in Japan)

4 Agree or Disagree? The United States has the right to intervene in a country where the citizens are being persecuted unfairly by the government.

5 Agree or Disagree? The United States should stay out of the affairs/business of other countries and worry about problems in the United States. Is this possible in 2014??

6 Foreign Policy The ways in which the United States deals with other countries. In the early 1800’s, the USA practiced a foreign policy of “isolation” (based on George Washington’s advice). By the mid 1800’s, that foreign policy was beginning to change. Manifest Destiny??

7 Opening of Japan 1853 United States Navy, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, arrived in Japan to open up trade with Japanese government. After using intimidation tactics, Perry was able to convince the Japanese to open two ports of trade. The Japanese Islands quickly became a modern, industrialized nation (new ideas coming in).

8 From a Japanese Journal after the American visit

9 Purchase of Alaska 1867 The United States was looking to dominate trade in the Pacific Ocean and saw Alaska (a Russian Colony) as a stepping stone to that domination (good seaports). Secretary of State William Seward buys Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million (2 cents an acre) in 1867. Americans think they are ripped off: –“Seward’s Folly”, “Seward’s Icebox”

10 Alaska cont… Seward gets last laugh: –Eventually timber, gold, and oil become major natural resources found in Alaska. –1959 Alaska becomes the 49 th State.

11 Questions on Hawaii (answer in complete sentences in notebook) Who were the Kanaka? Who was Lilioukulani? What role did Americans play in Hawaii when they began arriving in the 1800s? Explain the power struggle between the Queen and Americans in the 1800s Describe how the USA finally obtained Hawaii in 1898.

12 Annexation of Hawaii American sugar planters gain power on islands (1800’s) 1893 U.S. Marines land and force Queen to give up her throne. 1898—Hawaii annexed (taken over) by the U.S. and made a territory. 1959=the 50 th state.


14 Spanish-American War Feb. 1898- The Maine explodes in Cuba (“Remember the Maine!”) Yellow Journalism- A sensational style of reporting (goal is to sell newspapers). April 1898- USA declares war on Spain.

15 SP-AM continued… –USA quickly defeats Spanish fleet in Philippine Islands. –Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders become the war heroes in the Caribbean Sea. August 1898- Spain surrenders.

16 American Imperialism


18 5. Open Door Policy in China (1899) The United States creates an “Open Door” policy in trading with China. Countries with spheres of influence in China allowed to trade in other countries’ spheres This especially benefits the USA as it allows for trade with China throughout the country. In 1900, the “Boxers” rebel against foreigners in China but rebellion is put down with help from the United States.

19 6. TR’s Big Stick Policy in Latin America (1901-1908) President Teddy Roosevelt determined that the USA will intervene in Latin America to preserve law and order and protect its own interests. –Building the Panama Canal (1903-1914) –Collecting debts from Latin American countries –Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine







26 Results of Spanish-American War: United States becomes an imperial power. USA acquires Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) from Spain.

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