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Is IT different for men & women? Glenda Stone, CEO Aurora Gender Capital Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Is IT different for men & women? Glenda Stone, CEO Aurora Gender Capital Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is IT different for men & women? Glenda Stone, CEO Aurora Gender Capital Management

2 The latest stats: female IT managers closing pay gap on male counterparts women 15% IT heads women in technology roles have climbed three places on the earnings league table compared to other job functions women IT managers average salary is £40,839 male IT managers average salary is £43,300 National Management Salary Survey 2003 Study of 21,000 managers over 400 companies Conducted by Chartered Management Institute

3 The presence of women in technology companies is a good barometer of the level of innovation and competitiveness.

4 Strategy for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (28 April 2003) The strategy is in response to the Greenfield Report, 'SET Fair', that reviewed the status of women's participation in SET (Nov 2002) A new resource centre aimed at supporting, advising and working with SET employers and professional bodies SET implementation Group established improved statistical monitoring

5 What’s your take … ? The brand of technology Technology Employers of choice for women Isn’t technology `everything’: - kewl innovative stuff - real stuff that’s fun and necessary - the most exciting cutting- edge sector to work in

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