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753 BC Kingdom – Ruled by kings 509 BC Republic – Ruled by people elected by citizens 27 BC Empire – ruled by emperors.

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Presentation on theme: "753 BC Kingdom – Ruled by kings 509 BC Republic – Ruled by people elected by citizens 27 BC Empire – ruled by emperors."— Presentation transcript:


2 753 BC Kingdom – Ruled by kings 509 BC Republic – Ruled by people elected by citizens 27 BC Empire – ruled by emperors

3 Roman Republic comprised of citizens who were divided into three classes - 1.Patricians were rich nobles. They usually lived in grand houses and had slaves to do their work for them. Because they were citizens of Rome they were allowed to go to the Assembly to vote. 2.Plebeians were ordinary peasants and the poor people.Because they were citizens of Rome they were allowed to go to the Assembly to vote. 3. Slaves had no money, no rights, no freedom and were not citizens of Rome. Because they were not citizens of Rome they were not allowed to go to the Assembly to vote.

4 To vote for Went to Assembly Patricians Tribunes Plebeians M agistrates Consuls Women and slaves were not allowed to vote

5 TWO CONSULS Two chief officials(Patricians)who held office in the Ancient Roman Republic in place of a king MAGISTRATES It was the magistrates job to keep law and order and also to manage Rome's financial affairs. When magistrates retired they became senators and attended the Senate. TRIBUNES The citizens of Rome voted for tribunes. It was the tribunes job to make sure that the people were treated fairly. They were appointed to protect the Plebeians. Senators were retired magistrates and knew a lot about the government of Rome. They gave advice to the consuls

6 SUPERVISED the work of other government officials. Ran the government Directed (commanded) the army Acted as judges In an emergency, consuls could choose a dictator – a single ruler to make quick decisions.

7 I am one of the Magistrates elected by the assembly. It is our job to keep law and order and finances of Rome

8 It is our job to make sure that the people are treated fairly.

9 to discuss important government issues. Senators were retired magistrates and knew a lot about the government of Rome the senate gives advice to the two consuls

10 Heading: Roman republic GroupDescriptionPowerful/ Not powerful Right to vote? Yes/No Plebians Consuls Senate Patricians Tribunes Slaves

11  Using the words in the word bank draw two pyramids showing the political hierarchy of Ancient Rome and modern Australia Consuls Governor general Slaves Tribunes Magistrates Prime minister Cabinet Ministers Ancient Rome Modern Australia

12  Did the Romans view the world differently to us? How?  Do we still follow any of the Roman practices?  Discuss in terms of Powers of citizens Voting rights System of government Senate?  Write a paragraph summarising your views and thoughts about the discussion  Key Words (can be used for spelling list): republic, citizen, assembly, consuls, magistrates, patricians, plebeians, senate, tribunes

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