Angiosperm Families IV

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1 Angiosperm Families IV
Utah Flora BOT2100 Lecture 8 Angiosperm Families IV Including: Asteraceae Chenopodiaceae Polygonaceae Rosaceae

2 11 families 1649 genera 25,790 species
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales 11 families genera ,790 species Major Families Asteraceae – sunflowers Campanulaceae – blue bells

3 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Worldwide genera ,600 species Utah (Native and Introduced) 193 genera species annuals, perennial herbs, or shrubs leaves alternate or opposite, simple to pinnately compound inflorescence solitary, cymes, spikes, racemes, or panicles flowers inferior, imperfect or perfect, irregular or regular calyx fused or separate, pappus-bract-like scales or bristle-like awns, few to many corolla of 2 types: ray-fused & irregular; disk-fused & regular stamens 5, anthers fused in a tube fruit an achene

4 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Helianthus Worldwide species Utah (Native and Introduced) species annual or perennial herbs leaves simple, lowermost opposite, upper alternate receptacle chaffy heads with both ray and disk flowers pappus of 2 awns with a broad papery base

5 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Helianthus annuus robust annual involucral bracts (phyllaries) broad at the base and tapering toward the tip disk corollas yellowish to reddish ray corollas showy, yellowish

6 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Cirsium Worldwide species Utah (Native and Introduced) species biennial or perennial herbs leaves alternate, simple, pinnatifid, often spiny-toothed receptacle bristly; phyllaries often spiny-toothed heads with disk flowers only pappus of capillary bristles corollas white, pink, red or lavender anthers caudate at the base (tail-like appendanges)

7 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Cirsium calcareum Colorado Plateau desert species leaves arachnoid-villous corolla purplish style tip short 0.8-3 mm long

8 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Crepis Worldwide species Utah (Native and Introduced) species annual biennial or perennial herbs leaves alternate or all basal receptacle naked head of ray flowers only sister genus, Hieracium, is similar except corollas are white

9 Asteraceae Compositae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Asterales Asteraceae Compositae Crepis acuminata sagebrush valley & montane species plants perennial herbs from caudex leaves and stems tomentose heads cylindric

10 9 families 261 genera 7,725 species
Utah Flora BOT2100 Rosales 9 families genera ,725 species Major Families Rosaceae – Rosa, Prunus (cherries), Malus (apple) Elaeagnaceae – Russian olive Ulmaceae – Elm trees Urticaceae – stinging nettles

11 Rosales Rosaceae Utah Flora BOT2100 Worldwide 90 genera 2,520 species
Utah (Native and Introduced) 37 genera species annuals, perennial herbs, shrubs, or trees leaves alternate or rarely opposite, simple to compound inflorescence solitary, racemes, panicles or cymes flowers inferior or superior, perfect, regular calyx 3-10 lobed, fused sometimes as a hypanthium corolla of 3-10 petals, usually 5, distinct stamens 5 to many; pistils 1 to several distinct ovaries fruit a drupe, pome, follicle, or aggregate achene

12 Rosales Rosaceae Prunus Utah Flora BOT2100 Worldwide 150 species
Utah (Native and Introduced) ~5 species shrubs or trees leaves alternate, simple, often serrate; stems with caducous stipules flowers perigynous, with petals & stamens borne above the ovary sepals 5 lobed, basally fused into a hypanthium corollas 5 petaled, distinct stamens 15+; pistils 1; fruit a drupe

13 Rosales Rosaceae Utah Flora BOT2100 Prunus virginiana
common native, montane species plants shrubs with leaves not in fascicles inflorescence racemose with 15+ flowers drupe reddish to blackish

14 Rosales Rosaceae Cercocarpus Utah Flora BOT2100 Worldwide 10 species
Utah (Native) species shrubs or trees leaves in fascicles on short, spur-like branchlets or alternate flowers perigynous, with petals & stamens borne above the ovary sepals 5 lobed, basally fused into a hypanthium corollas absent stamens 15+; pistils 1; fruit an achene with persistent, plumose style

15 Rosales Rosaceae Utah Flora BOT2100 Cercocarpus
common native, montane species plants shrubs or trees with leaves in fascicles (spur-shoots) leaves entire, linear margins revolute achene long tailed

16 Rosales Rosaceae Potentilla Utah Flora BOT2100 Worldwide 200 species
Utah (Native and Introduced) species annual, biennial or perennial herbs leaves alternate, often palmately or pinnately lobed to compound flowers perigynous, hypanthium inconspicuous, disk-shaped sepals 5 lobed, basally fused into a hypanthium corollas 5 petaled, distinct, mostly yellow stamens 20+; pistils 5 to many; fruit an achene

17 Rosales Rosaceae Utah Flora BOT2100 Potentilla glandulosa
common native, montane species glandular-pubescent perennial herbs leaves pinnately compound, 3-9 leaflets inflorescence open, diverging

18 34 families 692 genera 11,155 species
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales 34 families genera ,155 species Major Families Cactaceae – cacti, prickly pears, cholla Caryophyllaceae – Dianthus, chickweeds Chenopodiaceae – saltbush, russian thistle Nyctaginaceae – four-o’clock Polygonaceae – buckwheat, Rumex

19 Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae Worldwide genera ,520 species Utah (Native and Introduced) 37 genera species annuals, perennial herbs, or shrubs leaves alternate or rarely opposite, simple inflorescence axillary cluster, spicate panicles, or cymose flowers superior, imperfect, regular, dioecious or monecious perianth of 5 tepals, distinct, enclosing the ovary stamens 5 to many; pistils 1 to several, distinct fruit a utricle or achene

20 Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae Atriplex Worldwide species Utah (Native and Introduced) species annuals, perennial herbs, or shrubs; pubescence scurfy leaves alternate or opposite, simple flowers superior, imperfect; dioecious or monecious sepals indistinguishable from corollas perianth of 5 tepals, distinct stamens 5; pistil 1 fruit a winged utricle

21 Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae Atriplex canescens common native, desert shrub leaves simple, entire dioecious; female achene with 4 bract-like wings

22 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae Worldwide genera ,110 species Utah (Native and Introduced) genera species annuals, perennial herbs, or shrubs leaves alternate or opposite, simple inflorescence cymes, racemes, or umbels flowers superior, perfect or imperfect, regular perianth of 3-6 tepals, distinct, enclosing the ovary stamens 6-9; pistils 1 with 1-3 styles fruit an achene

23 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae Eriogonum Worldwide species Utah (Native and Introduced) species annuals, perennial herbs, or shrubs; pubescence often wooly leaves basal or a few alternate & cauline, simple Inflorescence umbellate flowers perfect; borne in 4-10 lobed involucres (sepal-like) sepals indistinguishable from corollas perianth of 3-6 tepals, distinct stamens 9; pistil 1; fruit a winged achene

24 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae Eriogonum umbellatum commom montane perennial leaves simple, entire, spatulate perianth yellow umbels subtended by whorled bracts

25 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae Rumex Worldwide species Utah (Native and Introduced) species annuals or perennial herbs from stout taproots leaves basal or alternate & cauline, simple flowers perfect or imperfect (dioecious); inflorescences paniculate sepals indistinguishable from corollas perianth of 6 tepals, distinct stamens 9; pistil 1 fruit a winged achene with thickened midveins (wings called valves)

26 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae
Utah Flora BOT2100 Caryophyllales Polygonaceae Rumex venosus native desert perennial herb with creeping rhizomes found in sand dune habitats leaves simple, entire valves of fruit mm wide valves lacking tuberosities (thickened mid-veins)

27 Quiz 4 Part A Utah Flora BOT2100
On the sheet of paper provided, please answer the following questions (spelling counts): To which family does this specimen belong? ?

28 Quiz 4 Part B Utah Flora BOT2100
On a new sheet, please determine this specimen to genus (spelling counts). This specimen belongs to family: 2. If time remains, for extra credit, determine this specimen to species You may use your Utah Flora, your notes, or any other handouts provided in class for Part B

29 Assignment Utah Flora BOT2100 Draw and label species provided in lab
Make sure to label those morphological features that helped you identify the sample (the characters in the key) Identify & label all samples to family and genus For Practice: use A Utah Flora to identify & label all samples to species (other than any we determined in class together)

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