APNIC Policy Update 1 st TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting 3 December, 2003 Taipei, Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "APNIC Policy Update 1 st TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting 3 December, 2003 Taipei, Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 APNIC Policy Update 1 st TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting 3 December, 2003 Taipei, Taiwan

2 Internet Registry Allocation and Assignment Policies

3 Overview of APNIC policies Definitions Background Objectives Environment Allocation & Assignment Policies Policies

4 Allocation and Assignment Allocation “A block of address space held by an IR (or downstream ISP) for subsequent allocation or assignment” Not yet used to address any networks Assignment “A block of address space used to address an operational network” May be provided to LIR customers, or used for an LIR’s infrastructure (‘self-assignment’) Policies

5 Sub- Allocation /22 /8 APNIC Allocation Allocation and Assignment /24 /20 Member Allocation Customer Assignments /25 Policies /26 /27 /26 APNIC Allocates to APNIC Member APNIC Member Customer / End User Assigns to end-user Allocates to downstream Downstream Assigns to end-user

6 Portable & non-portable Portable Assignments –Customer addresses independent from ISP Keeps addresses when changing ISP –Bad for size of routing tables –Bad for QoS: routes may be filtered, flap- dampened Non-portable Assignments –Customer uses ISP’s address space Must renumber if changing ISP –Only way to effectively scale the Internet Policies 

7 Allocation & assignment terms Policies Terms used in ‘status’ field in the APNIC database Describes “portability” of the address space /8 /25 Assignment Assigned Non-Portable /8 /26 APNIC Allocation Assigned Portable Assignment APNIC Allocation /26 Assignment Assigned Non-Portable Sub-allocation /22 /20 Member Allocation Allocated Portable Allocated Non-Portable

8 Aggregation and “portability” Aggregation (Non-portable Assignments) (Portable Assignments) No Aggregation BGP Announcement (1) BGP Announcements (4) ISP Allocation Customer Assignments ISP Policies

9 Aggregation and “portability” ISP D ISP C ISP A ISP B Internet ISP D ISP C ISP A ISP B Internet Aggregation (Non-portable Assignments) (Portable Assignments) No Aggregation (4 routes) (21 routes) Policies

10 APNIC Policies - objectives Conservation Ensuring efficient use and conservation of resources Aggregation Limiting growth of routable prefixes Registration Registering the Internet resources in a public db Uniqueness Global visibility Fairness and consistency Equal consideration irrespective of external factors Policies

11 Why do we need policies ? - Global IPv4 Delegations Policies

12 Growth of global routing table last updated 29 Sep 2003 http://bgp.potaroo.net/as1221/bgp-active.html Deployment Period of CIDR CIDR made it work for a while But they cannot be relied on forever Projected routing table growth without CIDR ISPs tend to filter longer prefixes Policies

13 Routing table prefix distribution Last updated 29 Nov 2002 Policies

14 APNIC policy environment “IP addresses not freehold property” –Assignments & allocations on license basis Addresses cannot be bought or sold Internet resources are public resources ‘Ownership’ is contrary to management goals “Confidentiality & security” –APNIC to observe and protect trust relationship Non-disclosure agreement signed by staff Policies

15 APNIC allocation policies Aggregation of allocation –Provider responsible for aggregation –Customer assignments /sub-allocations must be non-portable Allocations based on demonstrated need –Detailed documentation required All address space held to be declared –Address space to be obtained from one source routing considerations may apply –Stockpiling not permitted Policies

16 Initial IPv4 allocation criteria 1a.Have used a /22 from upstream provider –Demonstrated efficient previous address usage OR 1b.Show immediate need for /22 Can include customer projections & infrastructure equipment 2.Detailed plan for use of /21 within a year 3.Renumber to new space within 1 year –Meet all policy requirements Applicants may be required to show purchase receipts Policies

17 APNIC allocation policies Transfer of address space –Not automatically recognised Return unused address space to appropriate IR Effects of mergers, acquisitions & take-overs –Will require contact with IR (APNIC) contact details may change new agreement may be required –May require re-examination of allocations requirement depends on new network structure Policies

18 Address assignment policies Assignments based on requirements Demonstrated through detailed documentation Assignment should maximise utilisation –minimise wastage Classless assignments showing use of VLSM Size of allocation –Sufficient for up to 12 months requirement Policies

19 Small multihoming assignment policy 1a. Applicants currently multihomed OR 1b. Demonstrate a plan to multihome within 1 month 2. Agree to renumber out of previously assigned space –Demonstrate need to use 25% of requested space immediately and 50% within 1 year –Meet all policy requirements or have the assignment revoked Policies

20 IPv4 assignment policy for IXPs Criteria –3 or more peers –Demonstrate “open peering policy” APNIC has a reserved block of space from which to make IXP assignments Policies IXPs can apply for an assignment of /24 for Transit LAN

21 Questions?

22 APNIC Policy Update

23 16 th APNIC Open Policy Meeting 19 th – 22 nd August, Seoul, Korea Held in conjunction with Korea Internet Operations Workshop (KIOW) Longest banners of any APNIC meeting

24 APNIC16 – Policy Update Consensus points only –Proposals have been circulated for 2 month ‘comment period’ on the ML (until 20 th Nov) –Currently awaiting EC approval Prop-001-v001: Revised policy development process –Text proposal on ML 1 month before meeting –‘Comment period’ on ML 2 months after meeting –Final endorsement from EC Prop-002-v001: Document revision policy Prop-008-v001: IANA IPv4 resource request procedures

25 Policy Update from APNIC16.. Prop-005-v001: RIPE-261 follow up –Regional allocations –Larger allocation size from IANA Size /8 or /12 needs further discussion Prop-006-v001: Historical resource transfers –Allows transfers from ‘historical’ to ‘current’ status –Recipient must be an APNIC member –Address space subject to current policy framework Prop-011-v001: Revised IXP assignment policy –Definition amended, restriction on routing lifted –Further discussion required for remainder of proposal

26 Policy Update from APNIC16 Database SIG –Prop-007-v001: Privacy of customer assignment records –Prop-010-v001: Protecting resource records in APNIC whois database DNS SIG –Prop-007-v001: Revised lame delegation cleanup Informational only –Create a guidelines document to explain existing IPv6 policy

27 Come to the Next APNIC Meeting! with APRICOT 2004 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-27 February 2004 2 nd round Fellowship application: 11-17 Jan 04 Participate in policy development Attend workshops, tutorials & presentations Exchange knowledge and information with peers Stay abreast with developments in the Internet View multicast online Provide your input in matters important to you http://www.apnic.net/meetings/

28 Thanks and Questions?

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