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 The colonies were controlled through the Privy Council and Board of Trade  For practical purposes, they had enjoyed large amounts of self government.

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2  The colonies were controlled through the Privy Council and Board of Trade  For practical purposes, they had enjoyed large amounts of self government  A sort of federal system emerged  George III was more aggressive towards the colonies Through taxes “Taxation without representation”  Colonial cooperation was not a new feature


4  New England Confederation Hatched in 1643 Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut Primary function was protection from Native Americans Disbanded in 1684  William Penn’s Plan More of an idea than an actual plan Proposed in 1696 Wanted cooperation in:  Trade  Defense  Criminal Proceedings Nothing ever came of this “plan”


6  Had been a large problem with French and Native American Attacks  At a meeting in 1754 Ben Franklin proposed a revolutionary idea  Wanted a “congress” of delegates from each of the colonies  The congress would have the power to: Raise an army and navy Make war/peace with Native Americans Power of the purse  The King rejected the idea


8  The Stamp Act of 1765 angered the colonists (Why?)  Colonists from nine colonies sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress  They prepared the Declaration of Rights and Grievances  Stamp Act was repealed by Parliament

9  Colonists had been protesting and boycotting English goods  A crowd gathered in Boston on March 5, 1770  British troops fired on the growing mob  Five were killed

10  Committees of Correspondence  Formed in 1772 by Sam Adams  Allowed colonists (Patriots) to meet and compare notes  Boston Tea Party  December 16, 1773  Was a response to the Tea Act  Dumped 300+ crates of tea into the harbor

11  Parliament passed a series of acts in retaliation for the Boston Tea Party (Spring of 1774) Boston Port Act Massachusetts Government Act Administration of Justice Act Quartering Act Quebec Act  This sparks the First Continental Congress to meet

12  The political heavyweights of the day are going to meet in Philly on September 5, 1774  They meet for nearly two months  Sent more grievances to George III  Wanted to boycott English goods until all of the taxes and regulations were lifted  Eventually, all legislatures will support this first congress


14  Nothing had changes for the colonists  On April 19 th, 1775, the Revolutionary War starts  Britain and the “Minutemen” meet at Lexington  The first shot is likely accidental but it starts something that will likely occur

15  Formed on May 10, 1775 and will serve as the government until March 1, 1781  Each of the colonies sent representatives  Was called a “den of traitors” by the English government  It did the following things: Raised an army (lickety split) Borrowed money Established a monetary system Bought war supplies Negotiated with foreign entities  It was unicameral in nature and equal in representation


17  Richard Henry Lee was the first to propose a total break with Britain  A committee was formed to draft the resolution Franklin, Sherman, Adams, Livingston, Jefferson Jefferson’s fingerprints are all over the final product  They agree to the split with England on July 2 nd  On July 4 th, they formally adopted the Declaration of Independence


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