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Basics of MRI.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of MRI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of MRI

2 NMR verses MRI Spectrum Projection

3 Spin Warp MRI

4 Slice Selection Excitation Spectrum RF + Selected Slice Gradient

5 Slice Selection Rephasing
RF Gradient

6 Frequency Encoding NMR & Sampling Object Profile Gradient GR dFOV

7 Frequency Encoding NMR Gradient

8 Phase Encoding npe NMR Gread Gphase
Collect a trace for each value of the phase encoding gradient Just like 2d NMR NMR Gread Gphase npe

9 Contrast in MRI Image contrast arises from differences in signals!
What differences? Signal is a function of:  - Proton density T1 Spin-Lattice relaxtion time T2 - Spin-Spin relaxation time T2* - magnetic susceptibility D - diffusion flow - blood, CSF etc function - brain function, cardiac function etc

10 Basic MRI Acquisition Schemes
Gradient Echo (Spin Warp) - GEMS T2* dependence Spin Echo - SEMS T2 dependence Fast Spin Echo - FSE Echo Planar Imaging - EPI Spiral MRI Many hybrids of above!!!

11 Gradient Echo GEMS - Varian seqlib Other names: FLASH, GRASS, FFE
< 90° (flip angle) Contrasts: dependent on  & TR T1, proton density Sensitivity to Susceptibility depends on TE Variants: RF or Gradient Spoiling Turbo FLASH (SnapShot) RF & NMR GSlice GRead GPhase

12 Refocused Gradient Echo
GEMS - Varian seqlib Other names: FAST, Refocused FLASH, GRASS, FFE, FISP < 90° (flip angle) Steady-state preserved by rewinding phase gradient. Contrasts: dependent on  & TR T1, proton density Sensitivity to Susceptibility depends on TE RF & NMR GSlice GRead GPhase

13 Spin Echo SEMS - Varian seqlib Contrasts: T2 thru TE T1 thru TR
Proton density RF & NMR GSlice GRead GPhase

14 Fast Spin Echo Fast Spin Echo (FSE) Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) RARE RF &
NMR GSlice GRead GPhase

15 Echo Planar Imaging - EPI
Images in <50-100ms Gradient Echo & Spin Echo variants Disadvantages: Susceptibility Nyquist Ghosts RF & NMR GSlice GRead GPhase

16 Spiral Imaging Images in <50-100ms Gradient Echo &
Spin Echo variants Disadvantages: Very Complicated Recon Very Demanding of HW Advantages: Motion insensitivity RF & NMR GSlice GRead GRead

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