1 st Declension Nouns, Adjectives and Definite Article J. Lyle Story.

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1 1 st Declension Nouns, Adjectives and Definite Article J. Lyle Story

2 Provide gender, number and case th=v grafh=v do/ch| th\n ei0rh/nhn h9 a0gaqh/ kardi/aiv a0nqrw/pwn a0lh/qeian th\n h(me/ran e0kklhsi/ai to\ prw=ton dw=ron

3 Provide gender, number and case oi9 a0gaqoi\ a1nqrwpoi tou\v kakou\v dou/louv tai=v grafai=v ta\ i9era toi=v ui9oi=v th=v ei0rh/nhv tw=| oi1kw| tou\v a0gaqou\v lo/gouv to\n kako\n karpo/n oi9 di/kaioi

4 Translate h9 w#ra ponhra/. h9 ponhra\ w#ra pisto\v o( lo/gov o( pisto\v lo/gov o( lo/gov tou= ui(ou= tou= qeou= dida/skei tou\v dikai/ouv kai\ ta\v dikai/av. o( no/mov di/kaiov kai\ pisth\ h9 didaxh/ oi9 maqhtai\ dida/skousi tou\v no/mouv tw=n a0gaqw=n tw=n profhtw=n. ble/pei th\n do/can tou= 0Ihsou=. tou= pistou= didaskalou=

5 Translate o( a0gaqo\v maqhth\v a0kouei tou\v lo/gouv tw=n grafw=n. parabolh/n kai\ no/mon gra/fei dida/skalov th=| e0kklhsi/a|. oi9 a0gaqoi\ dou=loi ginw/skousi th\n a0lh/qeian kai\ th\n zwh\n kai/ th\n do/can tou= 0Ihsou=. e0kklhsi/ai e1xousin ei0rh/nhn kai\ do/can. o9 di/kaiov profh/thv bapti/zei ta\ te/kna. oi9 ponhroi\ profh\tai le/gei ponhrou\v lo/gouv tai=v e0sxa/taiv h(me/raiv. o( dida/skalov th=v basilei/av bapti/zei tou\v pistou\v kai\ ta\v pista/v. h( fwnh\ maqhtou= le/gei parabolh\n yuxai=v a0nqrw/pwn.

6 Examples in the NT ou0ke/ti le/gw u(ma=v dou/louv... de\... fi/louv No longer you but Jn. 15:15 a0rxh\ tou= eu0aggeli/ou )Ihsou xristou= ui(ou= qeou= Mark 1:1 h( ga\r a0ga/ph tou= Xristou= sune/xei h(ma=v... For sune/xw = I urge on, compel us II Cor. 5:14 o#utwv e1sontai oi( e1sxatoi prw=toi kai\ Thus shall be oi9 prw=toi e1sxatoi Matt. 20:16

7 Examples in the NT le/gei au0tw=| o( 0Ihsou=v, )Egw ei0mi to him I I am h( o(do\v kai\ h( a0lh/qeia kai\ h( zwh/ predicate nominatives – Jn. 14:6 …tai=v e0kklhsi/aiv Galati/av Gal. 1:2 Tekni/a, mh\ a0gapw=men lo/gw|| let us not love mhde\ th=| glw/ssh| a0lla\ e0n e1rgw| kai\ a0lhqei/a| neither h( glw=ssa = tongue, as organ of speech I Jn. 3:18

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