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Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think that…….  40,000 yrs. Ago- land bridge to Asia (Russia- Alaska) Ice Age- hunt large game- spears  10,000 yrs ago ice melts no bridge-hunt/ gather snares, bow & arrow, fishing nets  5000 yrs ago agriculture South/ Central America  Maya- Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico  Aztec- Valley of Mexico, central Mexico  Inca- West coast of S.A. Chile, Peru

2 North America  Anasazi, Hohokam- desert (Utah, Colorado, Arizona) agriculture, cliff dwellings  Adena, Hopewell, Mississipian- trade, earthen mounds, east of Mississippi  Coastal Groups- fish, shellfish, whales, shells for trade  Iroquois- northeast, hunter gathering, timber for homes  trade routes/ specialized skills among tribes  land- respected, animals, not for sale  religion/ society- spirits, connections to ancestors

3 Africa and Europe Africa  Tribal communities, similar religious beliefs- farming, herding, hunting, fishing, trade  West Africa- Songhai- western Africa & trans Sahara trade  Central Africa- Kongo  1400’s- trade with Europe and Asia Europe- 1400- 1500’s  Social Hierarchy- King, clergy, noble, peasant- Kings fund trips want more money, land and power  Middle Ages- Catholic church ruled- Crusades- fights with Muslims, bring back new ideas  Reformation- challenging of the church, seek religious freedom  Renaissance- New Ideas, way of thinking, new goods, Trade increasing (crusades, Renaissance)  Scientific Revolution- improved sailing technology, better weapons, thirst for knowledge


5 Basic govt ideals, new colonies video

6 Spanish  1492 Columbus- Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria - Caribbean  Portugal/ Spain divide new world  1500’s Colonies- plantation style, war with natives, forced labor, natives die of disease  Forced labor- African slaves by 1515, total 12 million+  Trade increase- foods, livestock, raw material  Conquistadors- new empires, native destruction, Mexico, central & S. America  1520’s Cortes- defeats Aztecs- thought a god and enslaved, killed by disease, Mayas/ Incas- conquered  Live among Natives, intermarry- Mestizo, native laborers  Gold/ silver- makes Spain rich  1550- Explore N. Mexico, Southwest U.S., Florida  1700’s Missions- convert natives, native labor  Texas, coast of California, oppression

7 French  1600’sLand north of English- Canada- took Mississippi river south- New Orleans-1700- fur trade, missionary  1700’sConflict over ownership Miss. River area, Spanish, French, English- 1754-1763- Seven years war/ French Indian War.  Colonists gained experience fighting  British gain Canada  1803 Louisiana Purchase

8 British  1607Jamestown- Virginia- John Smith- forts, farming, look for gold, disease/ famine, help from natives, single men  indentured servant- work for passage, food  clash w/ Indians, English troops  10,000 by 1644  1620 Puritans- Plymouth, Mass.- religious freedom/ intolerance, families, 20,000 by 1640  1636 Rhode Island- Separation of church state  Dutch settle New York, sell it to the English  1660- 80 William Penn- Pennsylvania, Delaware- cooperation, right to vote, representative, tolerance  1732 13 colonies  Colonies trade w/ England- Mercantilism- raw materials, lumber, furs- buy manufactured stuff.  Navigation Acts- trade regulations, ignored  Government- Governor, advisory council- sometimes elected- controlled gov. salary, enjoyed self-determination

9 Jamestown

10 1700’s Southern Colonies  Rural agricultural society- plantations/ small farms- self sufficient  trade w/ Britain- cash crops- tobacco, rice, indigo  indentured servants / slavery - 1750- 200,000, brutality, oppression- hold onto culture- music, dance, pottery, basket weaving  Triangular trade- America- sugar to rum, Africa- rum/ goods for slaves, West Indies- slaves for sugar

11 Colonial life

12 1700’s Northern Colonies  Urban, industrialized- merchants, factories, port cities-  Immigrants- Germans, Scottish, Irish, Dutch  Smaller farms/ more varied crops/ less slavery  Religious intolerance

13 Middle Colonies

14 Enlightenment and The Great Awakening  1700’s Starts in Europe- Ideas spread to the New World, books, essays- Puritans well educated  Scientific Revolution- looking at how the world works, natural laws challenge the church, experimentation, logic, reason  Ideas move to other parts of society- Government, social problems, civil liberties  Ben Franklin/ Thomas Jefferson The Great Awakening- 1740’s & 50’s  Religious revivals sweep the colonies- church lost power, enlightenment ideas, religious tolerance  Jonathan Edwards/ George Whitfield- travel, preach outdoor

15 French/ Indian War- 1754-63 (4th between British, French)  French colonies less populated- 80,000 vs British 1 million, better relations with Indians, single men few towns, farms or families  Fight starts over Ohio Valley- W. of Penn& Virginia- goes bad for British at first, won victory in Quebec, British win  question British army  Washington gains experience  Spain allies with France, loses Florida  France loses all colonies in new world  Natives try to fight on/ defeat/ disease  Proclamation line- 1763 colonists cant cross Appalachian Mountains

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