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Slide 0 The Lens of Glory. Slide 63 Every good and perfect gift is from God James 1:17 It makes sense that every these would in some way reflect the Glory.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 0 The Lens of Glory. Slide 63 Every good and perfect gift is from God James 1:17 It makes sense that every these would in some way reflect the Glory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 0 The Lens of Glory

2 Slide 63 Every good and perfect gift is from God James 1:17 It makes sense that every these would in some way reflect the Glory of God (It bears His “fingerprint”)

3 Slide 64 A biblical evidence of the “fingerprint” of God bearing His Glory in what He has made Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 6:1-3

4 Slide 65 This gives us reason to look for the glory of God behind His creation (not only in place but in time since time is His creation as well) Genesis 1:1; Jude 1:25

5 Slide 64.5 Christian theologians have held to two types of divine revelation: * General – The book of nature (Romans 1:18-20) * Special – The book of God’s written Word (The Bible)

6 Slide 64.5 There has been a recognition in the past that General Revelation - The Book of Nature – must be seen through the lens of the glory of God: * “Glorious theater” – John Calvin “Earth Crammed With Heaven” – Elizabeth Barrett-Browning

7 Slide 68 Worthy Unworthy of God being glorified

8 Slide 66 Since all good things reflect God’s glory, we must read the Bible in such a way that we look for the glory of God in all of His good gifts to us. In response to God, we are instructed to recognize God’s glory in our attitudes and actions.

9 Slide 67 There is no neutral ground in this matter. No good gift of God, however small and common it may seem to us, is outside of our need to glorify God for it.

10 Slide 68 A command to recognize the glory of God in even the mundane things of this life Zechariah 4:10 1 Corinthians 10:31

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