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Brad Hayes. Objective Lab Hockey Rules 2007 Season Highlight Reel Challenges Shortcomings Results Algorithms Demo.

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Presentation on theme: "Brad Hayes. Objective Lab Hockey Rules 2007 Season Highlight Reel Challenges Shortcomings Results Algorithms Demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brad Hayes

2 Objective Lab Hockey Rules 2007 Season Highlight Reel Challenges Shortcomings Results Algorithms Demo

3 Create a goaltending application to supplement the thrilling sport of Lab Hockey Utilize computer vision techniques to add intelligence, and hence challenge, to the game Come up with an innovative application for my thesis

4 Don’t break the iMacs. They’re brand new. Timeout means stop. The player calling timeout forfeits the puck (ball) and switches to defense Excessive timeouts by the defense will result in an automatic loss. Players are either on offense or defense. Offense Must shoot ball past the goaltender to score Scoring a goal causes a stoppage of play and offense is put on defense. Defense Cannot score points Must get puck (ball) between two designated objects (typically trash cans) to switch to offense Involves a brief stoppage of play: Offense must retreat to mid-field line.


6 Object tracking is hard Especially fast moving, small objects like tennis balls Without any information on the background, object isolation can be expensive Building a touch-screen is hard Takes lots of time and patience Relatively expensive Not easy to say “Hey, lets shoot tennis balls at it. That seems like a good idea.” If you want it to look decent, expect to burn yourself with the soldering iron at least once. In 10 years, I’ll tell people I got the scar while fighting bears

7 No power tools? No problem. Materials will not be cut to exact specifications. The frame probably looked about square until you read this bullet point. All webcams are not created equal The iSight is a fantastic webcam… running under OS X. The iSight is a fantastic nightmare running under Vista The Lifecam VX-6000 is a fantastic webcam… running under Vista The Lifecam VX-6000 is a paperweight running under OS X IR Filters are not made to be accessible I’ve removed two of them. By removed, I mean shattered them.

8 Placing the camera in front of the screen to track the tennis ball is dangerous The best vantage point to view the field is also the worst if you value your equipment Placing the camera behind the screen to catch IR blobs is problematic Glare from the projector bulb Screen is viewed at a bad angle Homography can fix most of this Cannot pick up the tennis ball impact

9 IR Camera cannot pick up the tennis ball when it strikes the acrylic surface. Ideas that have failed: Plain tennis ball Tennis ball dotted with electrical tape Tennis ball covered with electrical tape, sticky-side out IR-enhanced hockey stick + sonic response Taping an infrared-modified flashlight onto the end of the stick Have the screen read the direction of the blade on impact. Place second camera watching screen, measure position on impact Ideas that have not been tried yet: 550nm laser placed on the end of the blade Same sonic response idea

10 Screen is still temperamental Does not auto-calibrate “Manual” calibration isn’t terribly effective But is passable OS X: Leopard Broke GIMP Even the Leopard-specific version Broke OpenCV Input handling? Why would we need that to work?

11 Step 1) Finish Multimedia Project early, concentrate on other finals Step 2) Realize that your webcam for the touch aspect of the screen isn’t going to work Step 3) Run out to Best Buy at 10:00pm Step 4) Get a Windows-only webcam and realize you have to recode everything for Windows Step 5) Realize that the iSight you depended on won’t play nicely with Windows Step 6) Scour the internet for IEEE1394 Camera Drivers (Side note: Monster Energy Drink is scary)

12 Major Object Tracking Works The goalie follows the ball, and is even somewhat decent at blocking shots Multi-touch works The touch algorithm is fast enough to let the camera work at a passable framerate Extensible Multi-touch Framework Gesture recognition support forthcoming Minor Fast pixel-level collision detection implemented Image Transparency Simple multi-touch drawing application to prove functionality

13 Object Tracking Texture Sampling Background Elimination Histogram Creation Constricting Window Algorithm Touch detection Blob Detection Gesture Recognition

14 Detect location of impact accurately Increase framerate of multi-touch webcam Integrate goalie controls with Wii Remote to add another element to the game Construct housing for ball-tracking camera to avoid damage



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