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CLASSROOM DESIGN B RITTANY G ODFREY S EPTEMBER 28, 2014 C LASSROOM D ESIGN K INDERGARTEN Photos from Kindergarten: Miss Goodan, Twin Hickory Elementary,

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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM DESIGN B RITTANY G ODFREY S EPTEMBER 28, 2014 C LASSROOM D ESIGN K INDERGARTEN Photos from Kindergarten: Miss Goodan, Twin Hickory Elementary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASSROOM DESIGN B RITTANY G ODFREY S EPTEMBER 28, 2014 C LASSROOM D ESIGN K INDERGARTEN Photos from Kindergarten: Miss Goodan, Twin Hickory Elementary, Henrico – 2014

2 Steele’s Six Functions of the Classroom Setting Security and Shelter Social Contact Symbolic Identification Task Instrumentality PleasureGrowth

3 Security and Shelter Providing students with their basic needs and keeping them safe, then promoting a sense of comfort in the classroom.

4 Security and Shelter Ms. Goodan sets up this area of the room to answer any security problems that students or parents may have. Students can see the procedures in place to make sure their classroom is a safe environment and increase their sense of security. She strategically placed these safety tips with the information about multicultural acceptance, bus trips home, as well as mementos from past classes to ensure students that this is a place they’re able to feel comfortable in.

5 Security and Shelter Instead of creating a list of rules that are daunting and hard to follow, Ms. Goodan asked her students, “What does it mean to be a respectful student in this classroom?” The responses that came from that discussion became their respect guidelines, and these are what the students follow to ensure they live in a caring classroom.

6 Social Contact How students interact with peers, the teacher and how that influences learning in the classroom

7 The students’ desks are arranged at round tables, with four children at each desk to promote collaborative learning, as well as social skills. They all keep their supplies in a communal bucket, which promotes sharing and learning to conserve resources. Social Contact Ms. Goodan’s desk is at the same height as the students, and has a big round side that allows the perfect setting for group collaboration with the teacher. She has this desk in the midst of the students, so she is always available to answer questions, as well as oversee the classroom.

8 Symbolic Identification Provides the “home” feeling of a classroom and shows the hobbies / passions of the students and teachers

9 Symbolic Identification While there wasn’t a star of the week at the time that I took these pictures, this bulletin has transformed into a method for children who are chosen to show off to the class their proudest accomplishments, hobbies, goals, and family. Students love the opportunity to provide this insight into their home life. This cabinet serves many purposes, but most importantly it holds Ms. Goodan’s favorite big books, a few toys / trinkets that explain her hobbies, and a lot of lesson planning and instructional materials.

10 Task Instrumentality Materials in the classroom that ease the completion of day to day tasks and organize them efficiently

11 Task Instrumentality With a class of 20 4-5 year olds, Room 1 would have clutter galore if these tools weren’t in place. The students each have a cubby of their own, as well as a shelf in the filing cabinet. Students have a place for all their things throughout the day, and with some training, they are able to efficiently use these tools on their own at this point in the year.

12 Pleasure Personal touches that add to the physical appeal of the classroom

13 Pleasure Ms. Goodan has decorated a small play kitchen for free play, and students enjoy the touch of their home in the classroom. It was someone’s birthday, so the teacher decorated the door as a welcoming touch for the birthday girl! The bright colored bulletin boards and rocking chair engage students into the content. The rocking chair also serves as a secluded place where students can read quietly.

14 Growth Allows students to reach their full academic potential with materials provided

15 Growth The calendar is a huge part of the daily routine in this classroom. Students are prompted to fill the slot with the proper date, and then go through a set of motions with the teacher’s lead. Throughout the progression of the year, the students take more control of this station as their skills grow, and eventually spell out each number of the day of the week, write corresponding number sentences, determine even or odd, and subtract how many days of school are left. I love that this bulletin board will be used all year and students can grow to adapt to the challenges.

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