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Alternative Energy Transportation Transportation Mr. O’Rourke.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Energy Transportation Transportation Mr. O’Rourke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Energy Transportation Transportation Mr. O’Rourke

2 Definition  A source of energy for transportation that utilizes something other than fossil fuel for power.

3 Alternative Energy Benefits  Low/no environmental impact  Reduces dependency of foreign oil  Efficient $$$

4 Biofuel  Fuel derived from recently living biological matter (plants).  Fossil fuel is derived from long dead biological matter.

5 Compressed Air  Used stored compressed air to power a motor  Can be used in addition to electric/solar/gasoline etc. (hybrid)

6 Types of Biofuels  Vegetable Oil- can be used interchangeably with diesel on old engines or can be converted to biodiesel for new ones.  Biodiesel- produced from oils or fats and is similar to diesel.  Bioalcohol- ethanol, propanol and butanol (all biologically produced alcohols).  Biogas- contains methane (landfill gas)

7 Electric Cars  Automobiles that use an on-board rechargeable energy storage systems.  Produce no exhaust fumes and minimal pollution  Many are capable of accelerating faster than conventional automobiles.

8 Hydrogen Cars  Use hydrogen for fuel  Hydrogen is burned through combustion  Hydrogen is converted in a fuel cell –Reacted with oxygen to produce water and electricity

9 Hybrid Automobiles  An automobile that uses two or more distinct power sources for propulsion.  Most common is internal combustion engine/electric motor.  Nearly every large car manufacturer now produces one or more hybrid automobile.

10 Solar Vehicles  Similar to an electric car.  PV cells convert sun’s energy into electrical energy.  Not as practical for day to day transportation as other alternative energy vehicles.

11 Any Others?  Any other types of alternative energy vehicles you can think of???

12 Your Assignment  Pick an alternative energy and create a PowerPoint that covers the following areas:  Definition of your chosen energy  History  Uses/Applications  Examples of  Associated costs with you’re A.E. Trans.  Future  Environmental impact  Pros/Cons  Be sure to include pictures

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