Can You Think Exponentially?. Changes, Changes, Changes  What types of new technologies exist today that didn’t exist when I was your age?  Video Video.

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Presentation on theme: "Can You Think Exponentially?. Changes, Changes, Changes  What types of new technologies exist today that didn’t exist when I was your age?  Video Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can You Think Exponentially?

2 Changes, Changes, Changes  What types of new technologies exist today that didn’t exist when I was your age?  Video Video

3 In Other Words…  The world is changing exponentially!  As a result, we have to find a way to show very large numbers in a much easier way.  In other words, it would take quite a long time to write: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 WOW!  Can’t there be a better way?

4 Yes – There is a Better Way!  Exponents are a shorthand way to show how many times a number, called the base, is multiplied times itself.  Exponents look like this: 2³  It would be: 2 x 2 x 2  The number 2 is the base. The 3 is the exponent.  A number with an exponent is said to be "raised to the power" of that exponent.

5 Here are some simple rules to use with exponents.  a1 = a Any number raised to the power of one equals the number itself.  For any number a, except 0, a0 = 1 Any number raised to the power of zero, except zero, equals one.  For any numbers a, b, and c, ab x ac = ab+c This multiplication rule tells us that we can simply add the exponents when multiplying two powers with the same base.

6 ALERT! These are mistakes that students often make when dealing with exponents. MMMMistake! Do not multiply the base and the exponent. 26 is not equal to 12, it's 64! MMMMistake! The multiplication rule only applies to expressions with the same base. Four squared times two cubed is not the same as 8 raised to the power two plus three. MMMMistake! The multiplication rule applies just to the product, not to the sum of two numbers.

7 Let’s Take a Look at Some Examples  Examples Examples  At home, if you want to try more, here is another place to practice. practice

8 Here’s a problem for you to solve: IIIIf a school can hold 1,200 students, how many days would it take to fill the school if you started with 2 students and increased exponentially by 3 each day? AAAAnswer: 2³ = 2x2x2 = 8 – Day 1 8888³ = 8x8x8 = 512 – Day 2 555512³ = 512x512x512 = 134,217,728 – Wow – That school Is already overcrowded by day 3! TTTThis demonstrates to students how things can increase so much faster exponentially.

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