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Garforth Learning Village School Partnership Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Garforth Learning Village School Partnership Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Garforth Learning Village School Partnership Trust

2 Every Child Matters Childrens Services Extended School Skills gap New systems, new schools

3 The Challenge of Reform Standards for the 21 st Century Lifelong learning and the local economy Inclusion and Progression Learners first: Greater challenge and responsibility

4 Trusts Charitable Body Partnerships to promote lifelong learning Independent and non School Community support and development

5 Trusts: Possibilities Collaboration between Schools Local solutions for local needs Appropriate added capacity Higher Education and the local community Support for schools in challenging circumstances (3 to 19) A new relationship with the Local Authority

6 Today Foundation Cluster Trustees as Governors Formalised and structural reform Integrated services for teaching and learning Co ordinated programme cradle to the grave

7 Garforth Learning Village Pathfinder Project

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