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Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 1 Trade Unions attract young people Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 Mike De Herdt ABVV – FGTB Youth coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 1 Trade Unions attract young people Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 Mike De Herdt ABVV – FGTB Youth coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 1 Trade Unions attract young people Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 Mike De Herdt ABVV – FGTB Youth coordinator Flanders

2 Some Belgian numbers - Federal state - 3 languages/regions - Negociations (with or without government) at all levels - Population: 10.000.000 - Working people: 6.000.000 - Unionization: 3.400.000 = about 65 % - 3 Trade union federations:  ABVV-FGTB : 1.400.000 members  ACV-CSC : 1.600.000 members  ACLVB-CGLSB : 400.000 members Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 2

3 Some ABVV-FGTB numbers Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 3 Members: 1.400.000 Students: 40.000 Working youth (-35 y) 500.000 Young working activists 3.000 7 branch unions = 1 white collar + 5 blue collar + 1 government-employed 17 regional federations

4 Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 4 The beginning  Federation Founded in 1898, unions started in 1885  First youth activities 1932  In the 50-ies ABVV-FGTB created 3 youth structures - Services for students – information - Young (Working) Activists (no students) - Organising military recruits ( they got rigths too ! )

5 Since the 50ies  No more organising military recruits (obliged service was abolished in 1993)  4 organisations left, became 2 (only French & Dutch)  Subsidies of the government (youth organisations)  30 years focus on services & trying to organise students, but not on the working youth  last 5 years new formula Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 5

6 “New” formula Each organisation => 2 main goals = 2 strategees  Free membership for students = MAGIK? => info (membermagazine) => aid/assistance with student-job-related issues  Organise young activists = WORKING CLASS HEROES => They work & are active already => Inform, educate, positions Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 6

7 Budget & Organisation  2 organisations : FGTB-jeunes + ABVV-jongeren French-speaking + Dutch-speaking  Each has a comparable budget - 70% Government, based on regulations, decreasing - 30% Trade union, based on membership numbers, increasing - 80% staff budget 20% working budge t Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 7

8 Staff for 2 organisations (Belgium)  2 x 1 coördinator  2 x 5 people national office  2 x 10 people in regional offices  No volonteers working in our offices They are active on their own working spots Volunteers = Working Class Heroes = Young working activists Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 8

9 Students  Free membership  40.000 in total  Membership & services only  no structure, no meetings or activities  Special “brand” = Magik?  Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 9

10 Activities for Students  Services, no other activities = info on financing studies = info & help if a student works … - part-time, trainees - weekends, holidays  Communication: -Colourfull (people and background), genderbalanced, - Posters, flyers, little books - Member-magazine (Magik?) Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 10

11 Young working activists  Re-started to work with them in 2006  Pay membership to branch unions  Join network freely : a network, no structure  3000 ‘members” (Belgium)  Special ‘brand” = Working Class heroes  Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 11

12 Activities Young working activists 3 activities 1.Informing them (get information quickly, positions, actions) 2.Joining them & education (weekends, workshops) 3. Extra campaigns during social elections (posters, working class night) Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 12

13 Influence on decision-making who? Starting up Youth commissions on all levels. Example: Flemisch youth commission Who?  All youth organisation staff members  50% young delegates of regions  50% young delegates of branch unions Based on membership numbers of each Meeting 4 times a year Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 13

14 Influence on decision-making what? Strictly youth issues  => take a position publicly  Change legislation on student work  Change policies on youth employment General policies (within trade union or in general)  => Advise the formal trade union structures  => Not publicly, respect internal democracy  Debate on retirement ….  How to modernise out trade union Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 14

15 Cooperations in Belgium With other trade union youth  Actions on youth unemployment / working conditions  Actions to present ourselves in schools (promo Magik?) With others  Youth organisations (youth parliament / services)  NGO/ONG => decent work campaign (  Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 15

16 International cooperations  Representatives in ETUC & ITUC  Trainings / workshops for ILO-initiatives  European Social Fora, World Social Fora and World Climate fora (Copenhagen, dec 2009)  Associations with other trade union youth – visit each other  YES… Belgian +  We are planning to do this more in the near future Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 16

17 HOW TO GET STARTED ? 1.Analyze youth - trade-union - relationship Their position towards AND within the trade union(s). Membership, activism, popularity, youth issues approach 2.Bring the (mostly bad) numbers to responsables (why is it important to do something) 3. Make a plan with strategies and goals (what, when, who & numbers) 4. Attach a realististic budget 5. Keep on trying & fighting – persevere ! Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October 17

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