Amari,Jada,Taurus. Petrol Direct Accuracy The website is supported by a series of authors and other websites who have studied the pricings of gas. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Amari,Jada,Taurus. Petrol Direct Accuracy The website is supported by a series of authors and other websites who have studied the pricings of gas. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amari,Jada,Taurus

2 Petrol Direct

3 Accuracy The website is supported by a series of authors and other websites who have studied the pricings of gas. The website gives an insight on how shipping gas from other countries save money. This website also gives the downfalls of using foreign gas.

4 Currency The website contains data from the current year of 2012 it was also recently updated and has statistical information about the tpic.

5 Credibility The website was created by Thomas Midgley. The information on the website is supported because they constantly compare the different types of fuels. Give information and solutions also links to other websites for help.

6 Authenticity The website includes statistical information. Website is currently updated, contains information from 2012. The website contains links that further helps the web explorer.

7 Navigation The website is straight forward and organized. Included headings and bold subtitles to further assist the person searching the website.

8 Purpose The purpose of the website is to persuade people to buy gas over seas. The website does hold some valuable information about the purpose of the website.

9 Coverage I completely understand the website and the information it is trying to give. The website offers the reader to look up words that don’t look familiar that they might not understand.

10 Objectivity The whole website is very opinionated because the creators are trying to get the readers to buy their products. None of the information is hypothesized.

11 Website Evaluation We do not recommend this website to anyone because the product is being sold over seas which means we are losing money in America. This website strictly gives information to persuade not genuine.

12 Rubric How You/Your Team will be Graded Website Evaluation Presentation Rubric CriteriaPossible PointsPoints Earned Presentation evaluated all criteria in the student-created Website Evaluation Rubric 5 Support was given for each criteria rating that the group gave the website 5 Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization throughout both creations 3 Quality pictures of website were included in presentation 2 All students in group had an equal amount of participation 2 Total Points18

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