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Finding Credible Sources Research Report Library Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Credible Sources Research Report Library Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Credible Sources Research Report Library Presentation

2 What You Need You are responsible for having 4 different types of sources. You must have at least one of each of the following: - 1 non-reference book - 1 reference book - 1 website of high reliability - 1 article from an internet database Books Internet

3 What You Need You are responsible for having 4 different types of sources. You must have at least one of each of the following: - 1 non-reference book - 1 reference book - 1 website of high reliability - 1 article from an internet database Books Internet NOTE: You must have a total of 5 sources on your bibliography.

4 Non-reference book A non-reference book is any informational book that is not an encyclopedia. It must be nonfiction; a fictional novel on your topic is not considered a credible source.

5 How do you find a non-reference book? Use the Library Catalog System! You can log into the catalog from any computer. Just follow these steps…

6 How do you find a non-reference book? Go to: – and click on centennial At Home page, select Catalog to begin your topic search. Type your keyword then select either Keyword or Subject. Select title(s) to view Title Details. View

7 How do you find a non-reference book? Under Explore! select Find It to view related subject topic sources. Add sources to My List by clicking Add to this List. View My List by selecting Resource List, and then select View. Add additional sources to My List. Select Printable to print list. Find the book by its call number. These books are all in order on the library shelves. View

8 Important Tips Make sure you write down all of the bibliography information you will need before discarding a book (author(s), publisher, date published, city published, page number your information was on) When you have finished with a book, put it on the discard cart. If you cannot find your book on the shelf, it is probably on the discard cart.

9 Reference Books An encyclopedia is a reference book. Encyclopedias store a wealth of information and are very easy to use. Some encyclopedias hold general information on almost any topic you can think of! Simply look up your topic in alphabetical order.

10 Reference Books Some encyclopedias hold more specific information on a specific subject. For example, you can find encyclopedias that are dedicated to only rock music. Then, you can look up famous rock musicians in alphabetical order. Every library has a reference area. CHS reference section is in the little alcove to the right of the doors. Reference books can never be checked out of a library.

11 Credible Websites News Flash!!! This just in!!! Not everything you read on the internet is reliable. Say it’s not so!!!

12 Credible Websites News Flash!!! This just in!!! Not everything you read on the internet is reliable. Some of the websites you are used to going to are edited by uneducated people who may know no more about your topic than you already do.

13 Credible Websites News Flash!!! This just in!!! Not everything you read on the internet is reliable. Some of the websites you are used to going to are edited by uneducated people who may know no more about your topic than you already do. Like maybe this guy.

14 Unreliable Websites Remember, anyone can create a website. Even worse, some of the most popular websites people go to with questions are able to be edited by anybody, anywhere. Wikipedia Google Answers Forums

15 How do I know if a website is reliable? Any website you use for this research report must pass this checklist:

16 Credibility  Is the author or organization easy to identify?  Is there an address and phone number on the page, in addition to an email address?  Do all links work?

17 Objectivity Is the information objective or is it opinion or propaganda? Are all sides presented? Is it free of distortions or outrageous claims? Is this a commercial site that is trying to sell you something?

18 Accuracy Are sources listed? How does the information compare to other sources? Is the coverage comprehensive?

19 Currency Is the page updated regularly? Are sources quoted recent? Are the statistics included the most recent?

20 Functionality  Is the layout logical?  Is the site easy to navigate?  Is it free of spelling and grammar errors?

21 Using a Magazine Database Databases have highly reliable information, edited only by experts. Most databases cost money for a membership, but CHS has already paid for you to have a membership to a database. Just go to Your username and password are both cnusd

22 Using a Magazine Database Once you sign in, follow these steps: 1.Go to high school and click “View this level”. 2.In the search box, enter a keyword and click “Go”. 3.The articles you see are encyclopedia articles (these don’t count as for this source requirement). To get to the journals and magazines, look at the additional content to the right and click “Journals and Magazines”. 4.You can view all kind of articles from a multitude of highly reliable sources! View

23 All Done!! Now put your notes into your research folder, and wait for further instructions.

24 Go Back

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26 Go Back

27 Title  Click here Go Back

28 Read this to decide if this is a source worth looking at. Bibliography information If you like this source, add it to your list. Go Back

29 Go Back

30 Call Number Go Back

31 Go Back

32 Go Back

33 Go Back

34 When you click on the title to the left, it will bring up an article as you see below. Go Back

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