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Viewing Tip: While viewing this presentation in your browser, select Browse, Full Screen. Then, when you want to pause the show, Right Click and select.

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Presentation on theme: "Viewing Tip: While viewing this presentation in your browser, select Browse, Full Screen. Then, when you want to pause the show, Right Click and select."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viewing Tip: While viewing this presentation in your browser, select Browse, Full Screen. Then, when you want to pause the show, Right Click and select Screen / Pause. Click to Start

2 For this lab you should have followed these steps, in “EXACT” order. 1. Fill in a “Task Sheet” for your database. 2. Fill in 2 “Subject Sheets”. One for each table identified on the Task Sheet. 3. Create a new Database with two tables using the data from your two subject sheets. 4. Define a relationship between the two tables. 5. Print a Table Definition for each table created. 6. Print a datasheet for each table.

3 Using the task sheet, you should identify and record the task at hand with a brief description. The Task Sheet Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists

4 You should then list all of the unique pieces of information (fields) that you will need in your database. The Task Sheet Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name

5 You should then list all of the unique pieces of information (fields) that you will need in your database. The Task Sheet Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name At this point, it doesn’t matter what order the data is listed in, just as long as it is listed.

6 Keeping in mind that Access is a relational database, you should also identify the subject (table) that each piece of data will eventually end up in. The Task Sheet CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists Customer Customer Customer Pet Pet

7 The Task Sheet CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists Customer Pet On the task sheet, column #1 is for the field name and column #4 is the table name. If you feel the need to describe a field, use the description column. Ignore the usage column (Column #2) for our labs.

8 CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists Customer Pet When the task sheet has been completed, count the number of tables identified in column #4 and make up one subject sheet for each table. The Subject Sheet

9 Task Sheet Subject Sheet CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists Customer Pet

10 Task Sheet Subject Sheet CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists Customer Pet Notice below that two tables have been identified, the Customer Table and the Pet Table.

11 Task Sheet Customer Subject Sheet Pets Subject Sheet CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists Customer Pet We would therefore need two Subject Sheets, one for the Customer Subject (table) and one for the Pet Subject (table).

12 Identify the table name and description of each subject at the top of each subject page. The Subject Sheet Customer Pets

13 Indicate the relationship to any other tables for each subject. example: Related Subjects: NameRelationship Pets Manyor One to Many The Subject Sheet Pets CustomerOne to Many

14 Task Sheet Subject Sheet Transcribe the data from the task sheet, to each respective subject sheet listing the field name in column #1 and then indicate what the data type is for each field in column #2. Ignore the Validation Rule column for our labs.

15 CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Customer Pet Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists CustomerNum CustomerName Customer Pets Task SheetCustomer Subject Sheet

16 CustomerNum CustomerName Address PetID Pet Name Customer Pet Track Customer and Pet Visits To provide a record of Customers and each corresponding pet visit. Invoicing and Mailing Lists CustomerNum CustomerName Customer Pets Task SheetCustomer Subject Sheet

17 Pets One to Many CustomerNum CustomerName After all the data has been transcribed to each respective Subject (table) sheet, it’s time to identify the data type for each Data Name. (see page AC 2.05 in your book for the different data types available)

18 Next, create a new, blank database named Lab1nnnn.mdb, where nnnn is the last 4 digits of your Student ID Number, and using your subject tables, create the tables and fields indicated on the subject sheets. (pay close attention to data types)

19 To create a new database, you must first start Microsoft Access. See Page AC 1.07 in your book for instructions on starting the program. From your task bar, select “Start” “Programs” “Microsoft Access”

20 As Access launches, you will see this screen appear.

21 Select the Blank Access database radio button above, and then click the OK button.

22 The next screen that will appear is the “File New Database” Screen. This will ask you two very important questions.

23 First, you must tell Access where you want your new database, by selecting the Folder in the “Save In:” box shown above.

24 Next, you must name your new database in the “File Name:” box below. Remember, if you plan on keeping your database, name it something other than DB1.mdb.

25 Finally, click on the “Create” Button below to create your named database in the folder that you selected.

26 After clicking on the “Create” button, a new, blank, database will be created and open in the Database window.

27 To create a new table, click on the Tables object tab on the left, then click on the New command button on the top. (see page AC 2.06 in your book)

28 Since we have two Subject Sheets, (Customer and Pets) we should create two tables, one for each, and name them accordingly.

29 Select the “Design View” option from the “New Table” dialog box and then click on the OK button.

30 You are now ready to define your new table using the information from your subject sheet.

31 Customer Subject Sheet Pets Subject Sheet Fill in the required data for each table using the data on it’s respective subject sheet.

32 When the two tables have been completed and saved, from the Menu Bar, select Tools / Analyze / Documenter. Note: do this for each table.

33 Select the table, and click the OK button.

34 This will produce a documentation report of the table in print preview mode. Look it over carefully, it gives you a lot of information regarding your table. (and it is what will be used to grade your lab)

35 RelationshipsRelationships Next it’s time to create our relationship between the two tables.

36 Relationships Remember or example about the customer and order tables? One Customer, hopefully many orders?

37 Relationships We can join the two tables together by joining the common field in the One Side, [Customer].[CustomerNum] to the common field in the Many Side, [ Order].[CustomerNum].

38 Relationships To do that, we start at the database window, select Tools from the Menu Bar and then select Relationships.

39 Relationships From the resulting “Relationships” window, we select Relationships, and Show Table...

40 Relationships From the resulting “Show Table” window, we select Our “One Side” table (customers in this case), and then click “Add”.

41 Relationships We then select our “Many Side” table, (order in this case) and then again click “Add”.

42 Relationships Then, simply click the Close Button.

43 Relationships We will then be back to our Relationships window with the Customer and Order tables showing.

44 To create a relationship (join), click on the common field (CustomerNum) in the One Side (left side), hold the button down, and drag to the common field (CustomerNum) in the Many Side (Order Table) and release the button.

45 As soon as we release the mouse button on top of the CustomerNum field in the Order Table, the Edit Relationships window appears. This window first, gives us a chance to verify that we selected the correct fields and the ability to change them if we did not.

46 We then can “Enforce Referential Integrity” if we so desire by simply clicking in the “Enforce Referential Integrity” check box.

47 Just what is Referential Integrity? Simply put, using an example, if you have Referential Integrity enforced, when you enter a customer number in your order table, and that customer number does not exist in your customer table, Access will will give you a message saying that you can not enter that customer number as it does not exist in the customer table.

48 If we choose to “Enforce Referential Integrity” we then have two more options available to us, Cascade Update Related Fields and Cascade Delete Related Records.

49 Notice Access automatically determines the Relationship type.

50 If you know that you have a one to many relationship, and this says you have a one-to-one relationship, check the fields above to make sure that you have selected the proper common field in both tables.

51 Relationships The final step is to click on the Create Button.

52 Relationships If we selected to “Enforce Referential Integrity” we will see a join line showing the one on the left and the infinity sign (many) on the right.

53 If we selected Not to “Enforce Referential Integrity”...

54 we will see a plain join line without the one on the left and the infinity sign (many) on the right.

55 Relationships The final step is to select File and then Save from the Relationships window.

56 Relationships and then select File and Close.

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