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Pericardial diseases.

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1 Pericardial diseases

2 Pericardial anatomy

Viral (most common) Uremic (chronic renal failure) Metastatic (breast or lung CA) Post MI (Dresslers syndrome) Post cardiac surgery (regional) CHF, systemic diseases (lupus, AIDS) Trauma Infectious


Chest pain with respiration, fever Shortness of breath Enlarged cardiac silhouette on chest X ray EKG changes with diffuse ST elevation Pulsus paradoxus, tachycardia, hypotension, neck vein distention, decreased heart sounds

6 PERICARDIAL FLUID Serosanguinous (clear, pale yellow) - not echogenic
Bloody (consider metastatic, trauma) - may be echogenic Infectious (brown,milky colored)

7 PERICARDIAL EFFUSION (M Mode Echocardiography)
may overestimate amount and not useful if loculated or localized useful for timing of RV wall motion relative to mitral valve opening Caution when only anterior echo free space present

8 PERICARDIAL EFFUSION (2D Echocardiography)
Superior to M Mode for extent and localization by use of multiple views Assess for diastolic collapse of right heart chambers, IVC size and change with inspiration/expiration Identify intrapericardial process (clot, tumor, fibrin strands) Differentiate pericardial from pleural effusion by recognition of descending aorta Non diagnostic for pericardial thickness

9 Parasternal long axis LV AO Effus LA DAO

10 Parasternal Short Axis

11 Apical 4C

12 Subcostal view

13 Fibrous Strands

14 Unequal distribution

15 M Mode echo

16 RV collapse/ Delayed RV Relaxation
M-Mode RV collapse/ Delayed RV Relaxation

SMALL: echo free space present posterior and < 1 cm. MODERATE: echo free space present anterior and posterior < 1 cm. LARGE: echo free space anterior and posterior > 1 cm.

18 Small Pericardial Effusion

19 Moderate Pericardial Effusion

20 Large Pericardial Effusion

Pleural effusion Pericardial tumor or cyst Dilated coronary sinus LV pseudoaneurysm Large hiatal hernia

22 LSVC Dilated Coronary Sinus


24 Pericardial Cyst Subcostal

25 2C: Posterior echo free space

26 DOPPLER Assessment of flow velocities across mitral/tricuspid valves, LV outflow, and hepatic veins Presence of respiratory variation > 20% in left heart flow velocities and more marked in right heart Should be performed in all patients with suspicion or evidence of pericardial disease


28 Tamponade Case Study





33 Pericardiocentesis Needle aspiration of the pericardial effusion
Usually performed with needle entering subxiphoid Echo guided Evaluate fluid initially from subcostal Imaging performed from the apical position

34 Little effusion available from subcostal

35 Differentiation with Ascites

36 Case 2 56 year old female transferred from outside hospital
know breast cancer possible malignant pericardial effusion Pericardiocentesis


38 Agitated Saline - injected into the pericardial space for verification of needle placement

39 After pericardiocentesis
Before After pericardiocentesis

40 Case 4 Patient presents post MI New pericardial effusion
What is the differential?




44 EP application 56 year old female comes into the hospital after being discharged from outside hospital after pacemaker insertion Continued severe chest pain When pacer activated, diaphragm stimulated





49 Pericardial Effusion by TEE

50 Pericardial Disease: Constriction versus Restriction

51 Constrictive Pericardial Diseases: Etiologies
Idiopathic/recurrent pericarditis Post cardiac surgery Prior chest radiation Infectious (Tuberculosis) Metastatic process Difficult diagnosis to establish

52 Less Common Etiologies
Infectious (Fungal) Neoplasms Uremia Connective tissue disorders (SLE, Scleroderma) Drug Induced (Procainamide, hydralazine) Trauma Post MI (Dressler’s)

53 Clinical Signs Shortness of breath Peripheral edema
Increased jugular venous pressure Normal heart size on chest X ray Similar in presentation to CHF Often confused with restrictive cardiomyopathy

54 Physiology Dissociation between intrathoracic and intracardiac pressures Normally with inspiration, intrathoracic pressure falls and intrathoracic structures fall In constriction, the pressure change is not transmitted to intrapericardial structures and cavities

55 2D Imaging Pericardial thickening Paradoxical septal motion
TEE more reliable than TTE, but CT or MRI is the better method for thickness evaluation Paradoxical septal motion Respiratory Variable Septal shift leftward with inspiration Increased IVC diameter, lack of resp change

56 M-mode Evaluation Parietal pericardial tracking with epicardial/endocardial motion M Mode posterior LV wall motion is flat during mid and late diastole Respiratory variation in ventricular chamber size

57 Doppler Evaluation Pulsed Doppler respiratory flow velocity variation at mitral valve, pulmonary veins Variation greater than 25% Left side velocities decrease with inspiration Diastolic Decrease in PV velocities Right side increases with inspiration Shortened mitral deceleration time that decreases more with inspiration

58 Decreased Mitral Inflow with Inspiration

59 Tricuspid Inflow Increased with Inspiration

60 Tissue Doppler In 20 to 40% of patients, Mitral filling may not meet criteria Sitting patient reduces preload and may reveal variation Tissue Doppler provides best marker for detection of constriction TDI velocity >8-15 cm/sec is diagnostic to rule out restriction Ha et al. JASE 2002; 15:

61 Constrictive Tissue Doppler
E/E’ and PCWP are inversely correlated in patients with constrictive disease Mitral -Increased E/A ratio Tissue Doppler –Increased Tissue Velocities Note E/e’ is “normal” despite increased filling pressures due to increased longitudinal annular motion in Constrictive processes Ha et al, Circulation. 2001;104:

62 Additional Doppler findings
Expiratory decrease in hepatic diastolic forward flow and increases in hepatic vein flow reversals

63 Normal Hepatic Flow Systolic and diastolic phasic flow

64 Constrictive Hepatic Vein Flow
Increased forward flow with inspiration, backflow with expiration Adapted from Haley et al JACC, 2004;43;

65 Technical Concerns COPD
May cause respiratory variability but not usually at the onset of inspiration/expiration Mitral Inflow pattern is not necessarily increased E/A ratio as in constriction SVC flow varies in COPD, not in constriction

66 Constriction Case

67 Mitral Inflow

68 Tissue Doppler Medial Lateral

69 Reciprocal LV changes in size with respiration
Apical 4 Chamber view Reciprocal LV changes in size with respiration

70 Cardiac Catheterization
Calcification LV function

71 Infiltrative/Restrictive Systemic Diseases

72 Etiology Noninfiltrative Infiltrative Storage
Idiopathic Familial HCM Scleroderma Diabetic Infiltrative Amyloidosis Sarcoidosis Storage Hemochromatosis Fabry’s Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Carcinoid

73 2D Findings Bilateral Atrial Enlargement
Normal LV cavity size and function Hyperechoic Myocardium Possible Pericardial Effusion Dilated Hepatic Veins Granular appearance of the myocardium “Ground glass”

74 Amyloid Parasternal Long

75 Amyloid Apical 4

76 Doppler Findings Mitral Filling (Late) Pulmonary and Hepatic Veins
Increased E to A Shortened Deceleration Time Pulmonary and Hepatic Veins Prominent Early Diastolic Filling Increased Reversed Flow during Atrial Contraction Pulmonary Hypertension

77 Restrictive filling

78 Prominent diastolic reversal (Y decent)
Hepatic Veins Prominent diastolic reversal (Y decent)

79 Indices of patients with elevated LV filling pressures
Enlarged LA size (> 28 ml/m2) E/A ratio > 2 DT <150 Pulmonary Vein S/D < 40% Pulmonary Vein A wave velocity > 25 cm/s E/e’ ratio > 15 Vp flow propagation < 40 cm/sec

80 Mitral / Tricuspid Inflow Constriction vs Restriction
Normal Constriction Restriction I E I E I E Mitral Tricuspid

81 Tissue Doppler Constrictive Average velocities 14.8 cm/sec
Normal or enhanced longitudinal expansion Restrictive Average velocities 4.1 cm/sec Restricted myocardial motion Increases sensitivity to detect Constriction to 98.4% except in pts with MAC, LV dysfunction Garcia, et al. JACC 1996 Jan;27(1):108-14, Sengupta et al. Am J Cardiol Apr 1;93(7):886-90

82 Mixed Constrictive/ Restrictive Physiology
Incidence varies, but around 20% of patients May be found in Radiation Induced, CABG Increased Mortality in Mixed physiology

83 Palka et al. Circulation 2000;102;655-662.
Comparison Restrictive Constrictive LV wall thickness Increased Normal LA diameter E/A ratio Decel time Shortened IVRT LV diameter Decreased Peak E wave Palka et al. Circulation 2000;102;

84 Normal Restrictive Constrictive
Mitral Tissue D S S D D S Pulmonary Vein Tricuspid Hepatic Veins S D S D S D Adapted From Hoit, Management of Effusive and Constrictive Pericardial Heart Disease Circulation 2002;105;

85 Case 1 Restrictive vs. Constrictive
68 year old male Admitted with shortness of breath Known history of Amyloidosis









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