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OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION High School End-of-Course Mathematics Exams in 2011 Deputy Superintendent Alan Burke ESD 113 Superintendents’

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1 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION High School End-of-Course Mathematics Exams in 2011 Deputy Superintendent Alan Burke ESD 113 Superintendents’ Meeting February 24, 2010

2 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2.24.2010 | Slide 2 What is assessed on EOCs? - Graduation requirements will consist of 22 “1 st year” PEs AND 15 “2 nd Year” PEs. -“Off diagonal” PEs that are not common to Alg 1/Int 1 or Geom/Int 2 will be reported as Strength/Weaknesses scores - Two types of retakes available: One assessing the 22 PEs for “1 st Year” math; one assessing 15 PEs for “2 nd Year” math


4 2.24.2010 | Slide 4 How Are the EOCs Scheduled? - EOCs given during two class periods, booklets packaged for intact classrooms - District schedules EOCs within 3 weeks of end of year - First EOCs available May/June 2011; Block-schedule EOCs ready for January 2012 - Retakes are a single-session tests (~90 minutes), administered in large-group settings A “Typical” Schedule for EOCs and Retakes

5 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Questions About the Transition to Measurements of Student Progress and HS Proficiency Exams Deputy Superintendent Alan Burke ESD 113 Superintendents’ Meeting February 24, 2010

6 2.24.2010 | Slide 6 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION How Will We Compare Scores on the MSP/HSPE to Scores on the WASL?  MSP Reading, Science & Writing: Will use the same scales, passing scores, etc. as WASL  MSP-Math: A new set of tests with standards set in August 2010; “bridging studies” will provide comparisons of new scores to old standards  HSPE: High school tests will use the same scales, passing scores, etc. as WASL

7 2.24.2010 | Slide 7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION How Do We Know the Shorter MSP/HSPE Are Still Valid and Reliable?  Strategies to shorten the tests approved by Washington’s advisory committee of national testing experts  MSP and HSPE adhere to test blueprints to assess full range of knowledge and skills in the content standards, including cognitive complexity  MSP and HSPE given independent review of alignment between tests and content standards; results submitted to US Dept. of Ed. for approval

8 2.24.2010 | Slide 8 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Will the Online MSP Be Comparable to the Paper/Pencil Version?  Both tests follow the same test blueprint  The performance of the scale from the online version will be statistically compared to the paper/pencil version. If necessary, a separate set of scale scores can be used for the online version  OSPI will assure that a score of “400” will mean the same level of knowledge and skills, regardless of which version the student uses  Score comparability is required for approval by US Dept. of Ed.

9 2.24.2010 | Slide 9 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION How Will AYP Be Determined with the New MSP-Math?  Using results from bridging studies, new elementary and middle school Uniform Bars will be set for MSP- Math  Due to standard setting, results from MSP-Math not available until end of August/early September.  US Dept. of Ed. to grant a waiver of the requirement for schools to report to parents 14 days before start of school year

10 2.24.2010 | Slide 10 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Budget Model Options Total Amount of a State Race to the Top application: WA recommended for $250M 50% for State-Level Activities50% for Participating School Districts State decides the categories and % Sub-grant driven out by Title I formula Each participating LEA gets a sub-grant to implement the required elements of the State Reform Plan. The LEA may get additional $$ for being selected for participation in an initiative, a statewide program or for an equity factor such as size or remote or rural or achievement gap or another factors.

11 2.24.2010 | Slide 11 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION How other states propose to use some of the 50% of the 100% of an RTTT Grant Award Wisconsin - a competitive grant program; a special allotment for certain district to close their achievement gap Louisiana – Capacity building through a leadership program plus other initiatives Kentucky – Special pilot projects defined; large statewide initiatives for data systems and use Connecticut – Special elective initiatives; extra funding for non-Title I or LEAs with low TI allocations; urban factor funding; technical assistance and capacity building at the state level

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