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2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 1 God’s field The parables - Mark 4:1-34.

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Presentation on theme: "2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 1 God’s field The parables - Mark 4:1-34."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 1 God’s field The parables - Mark 4:1-34

2 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 2 Par ·a ·ble (pàr¹e-bel) noun A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson, especially… told by Jesus... [Middle English, from Old French parabole, from Late Latin parabola, from Greek parabolê,...comparison… from paraballein, to set beside: PARA- para, beside + ballein, to throw.] Reader’s Digest Universal Dictionary, p. 1121 God’s field

3 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 3 God’s field Sower Sower Explained Growth Field

4 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 4 Sower 4:1-9 §Jesus preached §He used parables §He planted the seed God’s field

5 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 5 Sower explained 4:10-25 §He watered the seed §Mystery of the kingdom §Receive and share the Word God’s field

6 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 6 Growth 4:26-32 § Invisible Agent of growth § Great growth God’s field

7 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 7 Field 4:33, 34 § Parables to the multitudes § Explanations to the disciples God’s field

8 2004-2015 John (Jack) W Rendel 8 §6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. §7 So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth. §9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field... God’s field 1 Cor. 3:6, 7, 9

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