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执教者:甘露凝 学校:市桥富都小学 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级下册 Module 6 celebrations Unit 11 Fun with language.

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Presentation on theme: "执教者:甘露凝 学校:市桥富都小学 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级下册 Module 6 celebrations Unit 11 Fun with language."— Presentation transcript:


2 执教者:甘露凝 学校:市桥富都小学 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级下册 Module 6 celebrations Unit 11 Fun with language

3 My birthday is in... Let's talk.

4 10/1/2015 Xiaoling's birthday is in...

5 10/1/2015 Present 1 Present 2 Present 3 Let’s try. 夺取三份礼物就能顺利参加 Xiaoling’s birthday party.

6 Let’s read and say. What are they doing ? 第一关

7 They are singing a birthday song. Let‘s read and say. They are playing birthday games. They are eating a birthday cake. sing a birthday song play birthday games eat a birthday cake

8 10/1/2015 They are taking birthday photos. Let‘s read and say. They are giving her a birthday present. take birthday photos give her a birthday present

9 10/1/2015 Present 1

10 10/1/2015 Present 1 Present 2 Present 3 Let's try. 举手的同学获 得一个印章

11 cut a birthday cake blow out birthday candles run cut window blow out Let‘s read and say. 1. 小组自学 “cut 、 blow out” 。 2. 完成后说 ”Bingo” 。 wear a birthday hat 第二关

12 Let’s play a game. cut a birthday cake wear a birthday hat cut a birthday cake wear a birthday hat cut a birthday cake wear a birthday hat 找出游戏规律找出游戏规律

13 Let’s play a game. give her a birthday card cut a birthday cake wear a birthday hat cut a birthday cake wear a birthday hat give her a birthday card

14 Let’s play a game. give her a birthday card blow out birthday candles wear a birthday hat cut a birthday cake wear a birthday hat give her a birthday card blow out birthday candles cut a birthday cake

15 10/1/2015 Present 2

16 10/1/2015 Present 2 Present 3 Let's try. 回答过问题的 同学都能获得 抽奖一次

17 第三关 Let's listen and number.

18 10/1/2015 Let’s order the party. wear a birthday hat give her a birthday present sing a birthday song blow out birthday candles cut a birthday cake eat a birthday cake play birthday games

19 10/1/2015 Present 3

20 10/1/2015 Present 3 Congratulations! 参加 Xiaoling’s birthday party 以外, 还可以获得神秘礼物一 份, 留意后面的内容哦。

21 Xiaoling’s birthday party

22 10/1/2015 Let’s read and write. P65.4 1. 小组讨论 完成。 2. 圈出关键 词。 singing a birthday song

23 Let’s read and choose. P65.3 B D C A 1 、小组讨论完成。 2 、划出关键词。 3 、小组大声朗读短文。 4 、完成后说 “Bingo” 。

24 Let’s use and write. 根据调查表内容,写一篇描述好友生日聚会的短文 This is LiJun yao. He is 11. His birthday is in December. His favourite present is computer. In the party, we sing songs, play games, wear birthday hats, cut the birthday cake, blow out birthday candles…

25 10/1/2015 This is ______. He is ____. His birthday is in _______. His favourite present is _______. In the party, we sing songs, _______, ______, ______, ________ …

26 10/1/2015 No homework.

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