Programming PLCs using LADDER Logic

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Presentation on theme: "Programming PLCs using LADDER Logic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming PLCs using LADDER Logic
Good afternoon. My name is Jeferson Correa. I am a Ph. D. Student and I work with Dr. Simões with power electronics and control systems. I am going to present to you a tutorial about PSIM, a simulation package for power electronics and also for control systems.

2 Presentation Outline Review of Ladder Programming
Keyence PLC Ladder Builder Example 1: Motor Control Example 2: Drill Control Example 3: Traffic Light I divided my presentation in this main topics: First of all: what is PSIM? Then I am going to present the circuit structure to be used with PSIM After we are going to start using PSIM and I am going to present some basic operations with PSIM, like inserting components, building a simple circuit and using measurements on the circuit; Then we are going to do to together some examples and, finally, you will have an exercise to do, ok?

3 Programming the PLC Ladder Logic Diagrams Function Block Diagrams
Sequential Function Charts Instruction List Structured Text High-Level Language So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

4 PLC Scan Cycle Read Inputs Execute Program Update Outputs
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Update Outputs

5 Ladder Logic Execution
Rungs of Ladder diagram are solved from Left to right and top to bottom Branches within rungs are solved top left to bottom right Ladder Rung A D E Left Power Rail Right Power Rail So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) B Branch F G H P S I J K R

6 Basic Ladder Programming
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

7 Basic Ladder Programming
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

8 Basic Ladder Programming
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

9 Basic Ladder Programming
Timer Output Input Triggered Timer Setting So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

10 Keyence Ladder Builder
-> PLC Library Free evaluation version – up to 50 times KV -> PLC Series from Keyence So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

11 Keyence Ladder Builder
Start -> Programs -> Keyence Applications -> Ladder Builder for KV Sample Ver. So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

12 Keyence Ladder Builder
Create a new file. Select the KV10 model. So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

13 Keyence Ladder Builder
Ladder Editor So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Toolbar

14 Keyence Ladder Builder
Basic Table of I/O KV-10 Input Relays Output Relays Internal Relays Timers/ Counters Data Memory 0000 – 0005 0500 – 0503 1000 – 1915 T/C 000 – 063 DM 0 – 0999 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

15 Example 1 – Motor Control
~ ~ ~ Stop ~ Start K1 K1 M1 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) K1 * The overload relay has been omitted in order to simplify the circuit

16 Example 1 – Motor Control
Stop -> Input Relay 0000 (X000) Normally Closed (NC) Start -> Input Relay 0001 (X001) Normally Open (NO) Motor -> Output Relay 0500 (Y050) So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

17 Example 1 – Motor Control
Ladder Diagram: Start Stop Motor Motor So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) END ENDH

18 Example 1 – Motor Control
Select relay 0001 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Add a normally open contact

19 Example 1 – Motor Control
Select relay 0000 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Add a normally closed contact

20 Example 1 – Motor Control
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Add horizontal connection lines

21 Example 1 – Motor Control
Select relay 0500 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Add an output relay

22 Example 1 – Motor Control
Connect the circuit to the right power line So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

23 Example 1 – Motor Control
Place the cursor below the contact of relay 0001 Select relay 0500 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Add a Branch with a NO contact (OR logic)

24 Example 1 – Motor Control
Place the cursor below the NO contact of relay 0500. Type END -> for end of routine . Click OK. So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

25 Example 1 – Motor Control
Place the cursor below on line 0004. Type ENDH -> for end of program . Click OK. So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

26 Example 1 – Motor Control
Run the simulator So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

27 Example 1 – Motor Control
Execute the program for continuous scan So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

28 Example 1 – Motor Control
Start the motor (turn on and then off the start button) …or double click with the mouse left button So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Change the status here and Then press Write Current Value…

29 Example 1 – Motor Control
Stop the motor (watch the status of the motor – relay 0500) So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

30 Example 1 – Motor Control
Stop the simulation and return to the editor So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

31 Example 1 – Motor Control
Using labels So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

32 Example 1 – Motor Control
Right click with the mouse button on the device and select Change Label So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

33 Example 1 – Motor Control
Type the label and press OK (or Enter) So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

34 Example 1 – Motor Control
Type all labels (save the program – optional) So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) If you use labels you can enter the device by its label (instead of its number)

35 Example 2 – Drill Control
Upper Limit Switch L1 M2 M1 Drill Motor Vertical Motor (up and down) So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) L2 Lower Limit Switch

36 Example 2 – Drill Control
In the beginning of the drilling cycle the Upper Limit Switch (0001) is closed The START button (0000) starts the drilling cycle The drill motor M1 (0500) must start. At the same time, the vertical motor M2 must start to descend the drill (0501) The drill will stop at the Lower Limit Switch (0002). At this time, the vertical motor start to ascend the drill (0502). The drill motor must stop just at the upper position. Wait for a new drilling cycle So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

37 Example 2 – Drill Control
Non-retentive contacts: So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

38 Example 2 – Drill Control
Go to Help -> Instruction Word -> Instructions in Alphabetical Order -> DIFU So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

39 Example 2 – Drill Control
SET – RESET instructions So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

40 Example 2 – Drill Control
Go to Help -> Instruction Word -> Instructions in Alphabetical Order -> SET (RES) So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

41 Example 2 – Drill Control
Timing diagram: LIMIT1 START MOTOR1 So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) LIMIT2 M2-DOWN M2-UP

42 Example 2 – Drill Control
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

43 Example 3 – Traffic Light
Start the operation with the switch S1 (input 0000) The red signal must be ON for 5 seconds (output 0500) The green signal must be ON for 8 seconds (output 0501) The yellow signal must be ON for 3 seconds (output 0502) The cycle must continues until the switch S1 is released So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

44 Example 3 – Traffic Light
Go to Help -> Instruction Word -> Instructions in Alphabetical Order -> TMR So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

45 Example 3 – Traffic Light
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

46 Example 3 – Traffic Light
Place the cursor at the position you want to add a Timer. Then, double click with the mouse left button and select Instruction -> TMR So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

47 Example 3 – Traffic Light
Define the Timer number and the Preset value. Timer number So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW) Preset value

48 Example 3 – Traffic Light
So; let’s start looking of what is PSIM. Well, PSIM is a simlatoin package desinged for both power electronics and control systems. It is manufactured by the the company PowerSim, whose web site is www, You can download the evaluation version from this site. PSIM allows fast simulation and its interface is very friendly to the user. It is indicated for system-level simulation, including control loop design and motor drive systems. Different from PSPICe, for example, PSIM is not indicated for devices studies. The PSIM package contains three programs: the circuit schematic program (SIMCAD), the simulator program (PSIM) and the waveform display program (SIMVIEW)

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