Building Our Future: One Community, One School, One Child at a Time Goals of the Special Administrative Board St. Louis Public Schools October 14, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Our Future: One Community, One School, One Child at a Time Goals of the Special Administrative Board St. Louis Public Schools October 14, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Our Future: One Community, One School, One Child at a Time Goals of the Special Administrative Board St. Louis Public Schools October 14, 2008

2 Production of SLPS Plan Update Report - Agenda 1. SAB Interviews/Goals 2. Progress Activities/Direction

3 Progress Activities, Direction Consultation with SLPS Staff DESE & MSBA Planning Guidelines, Structures Working Conference – Outside Panel of Professional Educators Two Major Components Critical, Urgent Priorities Stringent Accountability Measures Reporting to SAB October 14 SAB Interview/Goals/Process November 13 Progress Report December 11 Final Plan

4 SAB Interviews/Goals Prescribed in RFP Foundation of Plan Production

5 The Special Administrative Board will work to: Rebuild the St. Louis Public School System and reform the way it works Gain full accreditation Excerpt from Summit Meeting Materials, April, 2008

6 5 Key Function Areas Toward School Improvement… Improve Student Performance Guarantee A Highly Qualified Staff Provide Facilities, Support And Instructional Resources Expect Active Parent And Community Involvement Strengthen Governance

7 IMPROVE STUDENT PERFORMANCE… SAB GOAL : All students will receive the highest standard of academic preparationone that readies them for success independent of the directional choice they make upon their graduation from a St. Louis Public School.

8 IMPROVE STUDENT PERFORMANCE… All students should comprehend and apply mathematics and be able to read at grade level. A diverse, high-quality curriculum should be taught from early childhood through graduation. Effective academic programs should be replicated Programs and services that have not proven to strengthen academic achievement should be eliminated. Parents must be active participants in their childrens academic achievement. The more involvement, the more success. Performance goals can be achieved within three to five years.

9 GUARANTEE A HIGHLY QUALIFIED STAFF… SAB GOAL: The District must demand strong leadership from principals and effective instruction from teachers to ensure that students perform academically at or above their grade level.

10 GUARANTEE A HIGHLY QUALIFIED STAFF… Putting an excellent staff in place must be given highest priority. A professional development program must provide ongoing training and offer consistent instructional growth for staff members. Opportunities must exist for principals to renew and improve their leadership and management skills. A strong accountability program, including an effective evaluation process, must be developed and fully implemented.

11 PROVIDE FACILITIES… SUPPORT… AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES SAB GOAL: The District will develop and maintain a budget that is in alignment with the goals of the Special Administrative Board and the priorities as outlined in the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.

12 PROVIDE FACILITIES… SUPPORT… AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Provide a high level of care and comfort for students. Safety and security measures must be a priority. Redundant and ineffective programs and services should be eliminated and financial resources re-allocated toward priority areas. Replicate effective schools and programs at all opportunities. Study the number of school buildings and their locations in order to right size the District. (Targeted completion – January 30, 2009)

13 EXPECT PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT… SAB GOAL: Parents and the Community should be engaged in setting high expectations and supporting student achievement.

14 EXPECT PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT… Parents and the community must be consistently and thoroughly informed. The District must be transparent to parents, community stakeholders and the media in order to build credibility and trust. Provide innovative opportunities to locate and engage busy parents and caregivers to reinforce support for student achievement. Develop a strong volunteer program that encourages community involvement and helps to close gaps. The outstanding programs of SLPS should be successfully communicated and marketed.

15 STRENGTEN GOVERNANCE… SAB GOAL: The District must develop stable leadership in its administration and support an effective governance system.

16 STRENGTHEN GOVERNANCE… One long range plan is critical to SLPS success. That plan must be strategic, as well as tactical. The Superintendent of the District must be directed and held accountable to oversee the achievement of District goals and objectives. The Districts budget should reflect the goals and priorities as approved by the SAB in the Districts Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.

17 Progress Activities, Direction Consultation with SLPS Staff DESE & MSBA Planning Guidelines, Structures Working Conference – Outside Panel of Professional Educators Two Major Components Critical, Urgent Priorities Stringent Accountability Measures Reporting to SAB November 13 Progress Report December 11 Final Plan

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