Advocacy Campaign ICP 2003-2006 Farah Hussain

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1 Advocacy Campaign ICP 2003-2006 Farah Hussain

2 Content ICP Global Office efforts Regional and National level efforts

3 1.Global Office advocacy objectives 1.Secure the commitment of main stakeholders to program aims and promote sense of ownership 2.Build awareness about ICPs activities 3.Garner interest among potential users to fully utilise the outputs of the program 4. Encourage participation of international community and partner bodies

4 2. Key audience Partner organizations Other International development agencies and Multinational Development Banks International donor agencies National Statistical Offices

5 3. Global Office efforts 1. New promotional/marketing material 2. ICP News 3. ICP articles in other publications 4. Launch of Data Collection Phase 5. Participation in international statistical forums, such as ISI (International Statistical Institute)

6 4. ICP Promotional/Marketing material New brochures: ICP overview Country participation in ICP Uses of Purchasing Power Parities ICP software

7 5. Promotional/Marketing material contd Technical briefing or bulletin on how the ICP measures Purchasing Power Parities Powerpoint presentation explaining ICPs work program and methodology ICP FAQ Available at

8 6. ICP News Quarterly publication Platform to share information on project updates, forthcoming events calendar, learning tools and materials Mailing list of about 400 Advertised in UNSC newsletter, Eurostat newsletter, World Bank Research newsletter Regional reports not reaching us in time Mailing list of country coordinators incomplete

9 7. ICP in other publications UN Statistical Commission Newsletter WB DEC Research newsletter Liaising with WB external affairs department to publish op-ed pieces in outside publications

10 8.Official launch of ICP Data Collection phase Press release issued by World Bank external affairs dept on 24 Feb. Official luncheon hosted by the Director of DECDG, the World Bank Data collection launch featured on main World Bank website, the Australian press, Eurostat and OECD and ONS, UK websites Draft press releases sent to Regional Offices for countries

11 II. Regional and National Level Efforts Objectives Integrate planning and coordination of advocacy programs initiated by all ICP offices Establish a shared language and make the most efficient and cost-effective use of promotional material Build awareness about ICPs activities in participating countries Educate country level officials to promote the program Disseminate information to networks and widen audience – Initiate regional newsletters Share experience on good practice and lessons learnt

12 2. Key audience National Statistical Offices Relevant government ministries Partner organizations Academics Think tanks and research institutes

13 3. Regional Office Efforts Global Office promotional material: Modify text according to mandate and activities, translate (if necessary) and disseminate Officially announce the launch of data collection phase : organize events, use websites, publish articles in newsletters and other publications Issue press release and encourage Country Offices to do the same Prepare and disseminate papers to be carried by Price Collectors (including ID, introduction letter and brochures) Promote global coordination and exchanges by sending us contact details of Country Coordinators

14 Thank you! Visit

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