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Improving Statistical Capacity for Better Development Results Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Statistical Capacity for Better Development Results Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Statistical Capacity for Better Development Results Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank

2 Data gathering and publication: –International Comparison Program (ICP) –Debt statistics –World Development Indicators –Data for research and analysis (e.g. Living Standards Measurement Study surveys) –Investment Climate Surveys and “Doing Business” Indicators Improving statistical capacity –Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics Key areas of statistical work

3 Data gathering and publication: –International Comparison Program (ICP) –Debt statistics –World Development Indicators –Data for research and analysis (e.g. Living Standards Measurement Study surveys) –Investment Climate Surveys and “Doing Business” Indicators Improving statistical capacity –Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics Key areas of statistical work

4 The ICP and PPPs International Comparison Program To obtain internationally comparable price levels, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) conversion factors, and economic aggregates in real terms PPP-based data are in high demand Involves globally-coordinated price surveys by National Statistical Offices of 150 countries Helps improve statistical capacity in the areas of prices and national accounts ICP is a global partnership: World Bank houses the ICP Global Office

5 External debt statistics Global Development Finance (GDF) –A unique publication and database with debt stocks and flows data from the Bank’s Debtor Reporting System Little Book on External Debt –A quick reference version of GDF with individual country tables Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) initiative –Partner in development of SDMX, particularly for its application in the Joint External Debt Hub with BIS, OECD and IMF

6 A comprehensive set of global statistics for monitoring development progress Data are collected through an extensive partnership 1,000 indicators for 210 economies 22 regional and income aggregates World Development Indicators Database

7 Other WDI products Little Data Book, Little Green Data Book, “Mini” Atlas series, WDI Online Launching April 2007, co- published with Harper-Collins

8 Agreed at the 2 nd Roundtable on Managing for Development Results, Morocco, 2004 Clear message from data users –Better statistics are needed to achieve better development results Six actions form a time-bound and costed plan Something for everyone –National and international agencies Has helped mobilize effort

9 Strategies for better statistics Many countries now have a National Strategy (NSDS) for the Development of Statistics Advocacy and guidance from PARIS21 Need to set out realistic, prioritized and costed development plans, aligned with the needs of users

10 Investment in statistical systems Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building –Support for strategies and small projects GDDS project for Anglophone Africa Since 2004, large-scale projects in several IDA countries: –Burkina Faso ($10m) –Nigeria ($18m) –Kenya ($10m + donor cofinancing) –Tajikistan ($1m + donor cofinancing) Current IDA pipeline: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Mongolia, Kyrgyz Republic

11 Investment in statistical systems Definitely not enough: –To meet the additional funding requirement identified in Marrakech ($120m per year globally) –And to ensure that all national statistical strategies are implemented 3 rd Roundtable in Hanoi Feb 5-8 –Reaffirmed relevance of Marrakech –New campaign for financing

12 Participation in the 2010 Census UN is leading global advocacy and technical support effort through a “World Programme”, with some World Bank funds Country-led regional initiative also underway in Africa But funding gaps possible in some countries

13 Better household surveys International Household Survey Network A network of international agencies, Secretariat at World Bank Better coordination of international survey programs and sharing of best practices

14 Measuring key topics and the MDGs The Accelerated Data Program –a new initiative supported by the Marrakech Action Plan to improve the use and quality of household survey data at country level Creating country capacity to Task 1:Better document and disseminate survey microdata Task 2: Analyze and assess survey quality Task 3:Improve survey design and data collection

15 Measuring key topics and the MDGs Results from the pilot of the Accelerated Data Program: Accessible, documented datasets

16 Accelerating Progress Long term: Need greater levels of investment to implement national strategies for statistics More support for Census 2010 Near term: Improvements in data availability, dissemination and quality (the Accelerated Data Program and other initiatives) More can be done to harmonize effort

17 Thank you

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