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Igneous Rocks Sample Pictures of Different Igneous Rocks and their Textures.

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Presentation on theme: "Igneous Rocks Sample Pictures of Different Igneous Rocks and their Textures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igneous Rocks Sample Pictures of Different Igneous Rocks and their Textures

2 Course Grained Granite- Formed from the slow cooling of magma. Large crystals form.

3 Uses of Granite Granite is used for long lasting monuments and for trim and decoration on buildings.

4 Fine Grained Rhyolite- Formed from the rapid cooling of magma. Very small crystals.

5 Uses of Rhyolite Rhyolite is used as an Rhyolite is used as an aggrigate.

6 Porphyritic Rhyolite Porphyry- formed from unequal or mixed cooling of lava. Larger crystals on a background of smaller crystals

7 Porphyritic Granite porphyry- formed from unequal or mixed cooling of lava. Larger crystals on a background of smaller crystals

8 Glassy Texture Obsidian-result of instantaneous cooling of the lava.

9 Vesicular Pumice-full of tiny holes due to gas bubbles that were trapped inside when the lava cooled.

10 Uses of Pumice Because it is so light, pumice is often used as a decorative stone in gardens. When ground up into a powder, Pumice is used as an abrasive in polishing compounds. Pumice is also found in Lava soap.

11 Intrusive vs. Extrusive Intrusive Igneous Rocks- Form on the inside of the earth’s crust from magma. Typically have larger crystals due to the slower rate of cooling. Extrusive Igneous Rocks- Form on the earth’s surface from lava. Typically have smaller crystals due to the more rapid rate of cooling.

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