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World Bank National Womens Institute of Mexico Gender Equity LIL Generosidad.

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1 World Bank National Womens Institute of Mexico Gender Equity LIL Generosidad

2 Inmujeres Inmujeres is a decentralized autonomous public organization created in 2000 to be responsible for: Promoting equal opportunities for men and women Facilitating womens participation in political, cultural, and economic activities in Mexico Fostering a gender equity approach in the public sector Testing new instruments such as the Gender Equity LIL Generosidad

3 Gender Equity LIL Generosidad

4 Project Overview Generosidad is a learning and innovation loan agreed between the Mexican Government and the World Bank The project was launched in 2001 to be executed by the Mexican Womens Institute and will run until June 2004. It is financed through a $3.03 loan On the basis of experiences and lessons learned it is expected to broad its scope in Mexico and replicate the model in other countries.

5 Objectives To promote institutionalization of gender equity in public programs in Mexico and strengthen Inmujeres capacity. To pilot community-based initiatives to develop gender equity approach to enhance community life. To promote gender awareness through educational campaigns and a Gender Certification Program.

6 Projects Components 1. 1. Gender Equity InstitutionalizationInstitutionalization 2. 2. Community-based Gender DevelopmentDevelopment 3. 3. Gender Awareness

7 Component 1. Gender Equity Institucionalization Objective: To support Inmujeres promoting gender equity in Mexico and its institutionalization in public programs. Activities: To strengthen Inmujeres capacity through training and technical assistance. To improve knowledge about gender issues hindering equity. To develop a Monitoring and Evaluation System to register progress in gender equity.

8 Component 2. Community-based gender development Objective: To promote equal access to opportunities for women and men and respect for diversity as means to enhance community life. Activities: To increase womens access to public credit to develop sustainable productive projects. To develop women leaders capacity and train men leaders on gender equity advantages. To promote harmony in community life through Convive Programs grants to develop initiatives under a gender equity approach.

9 Componente 3. Gender Awareness Objective: To enhance public awareness about gender equity in general and target specific groups testing different communication means and innovative ideas. Activities: Public communication campaign to promote the project, address stereotypes and disseminate good practices. To design, implement and assess Certification Program among public institutions and private firms to establish gender equity policies.

10 Building Public Capacity 36 percent of Inmujeres staff has been trained during 2003 and the programmed 100 per cent goal will be achieved in 2004. Base line studies on women conditions have been completed M&E System is operating. Improving women access to credit 53 womens organizations have received technical assistance; 20 of them have received credit and 15 have prepared new projects. Improved leadership 163 women and 59 men have received training on gender equity. A second phase will be completed by the end of April. Project Results

11 Convive Program is a small competitive grant fund supporting community-based initiatives. It is successfully operating in 35 small cities 24 of them with significant indigenous population. 70 projects are under implementation directly benefiting 1,431 people (979 women and 452 men). Initiatives funded are very innovative comprising a wide range of activities: sports, cultural recovery, womens rights, etc. Convive Program

12 Child care center in Champotón

13 Convive Program Traditional dancing in Yucatan

14 Convive Program Senior citizens health club in Baja California

15 Certification Program The project has set up a Certification Process to assess gender equity actions in private firms, public entities and NGOs. 20 firms with around 250,000 employees were certified in 2003; 20 more will be certified in 2004 550 persons received training on how to implement gender equity action 40 firms have asked to be put in waiting list for certification Gender committees and womens networks have been launched in and between certified firms.

16 Certification Program Gender Equity Seal

17 Certification Program Certification event

18 Certified Organizations 2003

19 The gender approach involving men and women rather than only women has been effective in creating an open and friendly atmosphere in which discuss gender issues. Community-based organizations have proved to be an excellent vehicle for promoting gender equity and enhancing community life. The project has shown how gender equity programs can be useful components of poverty reductions programs. The certification program offers an opportunity to improve work environment and better understand labor trends. Lessons learnt

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