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Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuali Budget Construction Training Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator

2 SALARY EXPORT AND IMPORT Kuali Budget Construction

3 KBC Export Salary Data Run the salary export to obtain compensation data that has been loaded into KBC from Workday.

4 What you see Current Workday positions assigned to region codes that map to your organization codes. Both vacant and filled positions assigned to your region codes. Incumbents filling those positions. Cost allocations paid from your accounts on positions belonging to other region codes. Other related information needed to understand the position funding.

5 What you can do Enter funding for current incumbents – Position with incumbent already exists in WD and is loaded into KBC nightly. – Change pay rate for incumbent for each existing comp plan (object code.) – Add new comp plan where needed. – Change cost allocation, accounts and dates. – End funding or vacate the position for a future date. Vacate the position – For transfers and terminations of current incumbents

6 Specific Actions Modify – change information in an existing cost allocation line – Use this action to change the monthly or hourly rate – Use this action to change the amount allocated to a specific account on a specific line Add – add a new line to the cost allocation – Use this action to add a new line to split the existing cost allocation to a new account not used on an existing line – Use this action to add cost allocation for an incumbent that is assigned to your org but does not have any pre-existing cost allocation lines.

7 Changing Accounts The account number in the row on your worksheet is the key, so you DO NOT want to simply delete that row from the worksheet. What you DO want to do is mark that row with the action D to delete. Then you can A – Add the new row with the new account that will replace the deleted row. When you add the new row you will want to copy the comp plan information from the row you are deleting. You will end up with multiple rows for the same comp plan, those to delete and those to add.

8 What you cannot do You cannot do the following in KBC: – Create a new position that does not already exist in Workday – Add an incumbent to a position – Fund a vacant position and feed over to WD – Budget a newly created position unless it has an incumbent Your alternate to the above is to use pooled positions or to budget/fund vacant positions.

9 Changing Comp Plan If you find a row that was “loaded” from pay results in Workday, but it is the wrong comp plan, because the comp plan and employee type do not match, you want to mark that row for the D- Delete action. Verify that you have the correct comp plan currently in Workday if there was an error with the pay in a previous pay period. A – Add a new row with the correct comp plan and information, so that KBC will have the correct comp plan to send back to Workday.

10 New Comp Plans If your worker is not currently being paid on a comp plan, such as an allowance, but you wish to add it for the new fiscal year, you can add a comp plan in KBC to the position. If you are replacing a current comp plan with a different one, you want to mark any rows with the old plan with D- Delete, and then add the new ones (A-Add for those rows.) If KBC does not show the old comp plan, because they were not paid recently on that plan, verify that it is properly ended with the right date in Workday.

11 Base or Core Pay The most important comp plans to update are the base pay comp plans. These plans contain the base pay rates that should start with the new fiscal year. Note that the current base pay rate is repeated in each row for the same position, and does not reflect how the pay was split, only the accounts and object codes used. Be sure that your new monthly or hourly pay rates that you are changing in your worksheet add up correctly for the cost allocation rows for the base pay comp plans. Each cost allocation row must have only its portion of the total pay rate and have the appropriate distribution percent.

12 Cost Allocation Ex. Example – split cost allocation for a base pay comp plan, exempt staff: Monthly pay is $6,000. Your cost allocation for the base pay comp plan is going to be 50% and 50% for the entire fiscal year. Each row will have the rate of pay of $3,000 and the distribution rate of 50%. The cost allocation dates will be 7/1/2015-6/30/2016 on each row. When the two rows are added together, the rate of pay totals $6,000 per month and the distribution percent totals 100%.

13 Important! There is no error checking within the worksheet, since it is a simple file with data. Some error checking happens when you try to upload the worksheet, but it is limited. It is very important that you seek help from your HR staff to review the data before you try to upload. When in doubt, try the same action in the KBC salary setting screen. If you can execute the action there, you can execute it in upload. Neither process will catch errors such as overpay or underpay or incomplete cost allocations.

14 Incident Report If you receive an incident report error when you first try to upload your worksheet, it is most likely because the upload timed out. Timing out can happen if the first several rows contain several validation errors, and it takes too long to process them. Most common is that the first rows are missing any action, which is required, in the first column. Other common errors are incorrect formatting (not csv).

15 Remove unfunded If you are not making any changes to your unfunded positions, remove them entirely from your worksheet and place them in a different worksheet for reference or future use. Your worksheet that you load should contain ONLY positions you are updating. Be sure to include ALL rows for the positions you are updating, making sure that you are marking D as the action for any you wish to delete.

16 Check for missing info Make sure you are not missing comp plans and other required fields in your file. Missing information takes longer to validate the file and will return errors. Watch for the version number in the appropriate column. For example, do not load a row with version “1” if you have updated the position manually already, since that changes the version number.

17 Formatting It is best to use CSV for both the export and then the import, since you can be assured that there will be no formatting errors if you do. Do not resort the position rows unless you re-sort again. The rows for a position must be together. Make sure the first column is not empty, but has an action code, such as M, D, or A. Dates must be correctly formatted, so csv will retain the date format without any changes required.

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