LINE BIAS How to work it out. Sit head to wind in the middle of the line, look under your boom left and right, which end looks closer to the wind??? That.

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Presentation on theme: "LINE BIAS How to work it out. Sit head to wind in the middle of the line, look under your boom left and right, which end looks closer to the wind??? That."— Presentation transcript:

1 LINE BIAS How to work it out

2 Sit head to wind in the middle of the line, look under your boom left and right, which end looks closer to the wind??? That end is the biased end

3 Sail up and down the line on both tacks. If you have to sheet in more on one tack than the other then there is a line bias and it’s the end your are pointing at when its tighter. If there is not much difference the line is square.

4 Pin Bias Square Starboard bias Sail off either end of the line with a friend. Make sure you set off at the same time. Which ever boat comes out ahead started at the biased end. If you come out next to each other the line is square. The bigger the line the bigger the distance between you will be.

5 What do you notice about the angles???

6 Top Tips The line bias can change lots of times on 5minutes. Make sure you check it a few times. You have to know where the line is before you can work out line boas so get a transit. If you do a split tack with a friend make sure you are going the same speed. Once you know the biased end, start at that end to get an advantage. The bigger the line the bigger the loss if you start at the wrong end.

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