Designing a menorah!. Today we will make a menorah!

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a menorah!. Today we will make a menorah!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a menorah!

2 Today we will make a menorah!

3 What is a menorah?

4 It is a special candleholder used on Hanukkah.

5 Another name for a menorah is chanukiya.

6 A menorah holds 9 candles.

7 Why are there 9?

8 Figuring out how something looks and works is called design. Today you will be a menorah designer!

9 There are two things to think about when designing your menorah: 1. How it works

10 There are two things to think about when making your menorah: 1. How it works 2. How it looks

11 1.How it works What is the most important thing that a menorah must do?

12 1.How it works What is the most important thing that a menorah must do? Safely hold the candles!

13 Lets look at how a menorah holds the candles.

14 The menorah must hold the candle tightly so it doesn’t fall over.

15 The candle holder must not burn!

16 What materials burn easily? Wood

17 What materials burn easily? Wood Paper

18 What materials burn easily? Wood Paper Candles

19 What materials don’t burn?

20 What materials don’t burn? Stone

21 What materials don’t burn? StoneMetal

22 What materials don’t burn? StoneMetalClay

23 We will make our menorah using Wood

24 We will make our menorah using WoodStone

25 We will make our menorah using WoodStoneMetal

26 The stone is glued between the wood and the candle, so the wood won’t burn Wood Stone Metal Candle

27 Remember, there are two things to think about when designing your menorah: 1. How it works 2. How it looks

28 Some look old

29 Some look modern

30 Some look simple

31 Some are silly!

32 Some are fun!

33 Artists use different techniques to design menorahs.

34 Bike chainConcrete

35 Glass Mosaic

36 This is the kind of menorah you will design today.




40 Let’s make a menorah!

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