Team Members: Daniel Parra, Alex Hall, Natalie Foster.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Members: Daniel Parra, Alex Hall, Natalie Foster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Members: Daniel Parra, Alex Hall, Natalie Foster

2 Presentation Summary - Member biographies - The story of Waly - Conclusion

3 Natalie Foster o Second semester freshman o Computer Software Engineering o Ex-math major o I gained a better understanding of how modern electronics function (and how they don’t…) o This course introduced me to what can be done with a little code and a lot of patience o Plans for UF: unknown, since the CISE department is falling apart o Career plans include having a job I will enjoy going to every day o A word of advice: Don’t let the weed-out classes discourage you from challenging yourself in the future

4 Daniel Parra o 2 nd semester freshman o Before this semester I was undecided between EE and CEN o Decided to go with CEN because I liked programming but also like hardware o After this course I learned what it’s like to deal with Murphy o My goals at UF are to obtain my B.S. and M.S. o Career plans: work for a big-name company o Possibly start my own business in the future

5 Alex Hall o 2 nd semester freshman o Originally thinking aerospace engineer, but since the space program is cut back I decided on electrical o I learned what the inside of an iPod looks like and how complicated electronics can be o This course has helped me for the future by giving me experience in basic programming o I plan to continue to get my electrical engineering degree and then go to law school and become a patent attorney

6 Waly’s Story o Humans engineered Waly in order to find life and shelter on Mars, in case of an apocalyptic event on Earth. o Being in foreign territory, he was slightly frightened and exhibited spontaneous behavior that we can’t explain. o Once life and shelter are found, Waly is supposed to send back an audible signal to the mothership.

7 Conclusion o In case of problems, be it Murphy or otherwise, one should still opt to persevere and enjoy the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with electronics. o Your TA is your best friend

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