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A Project of the Center for Victims of Torture Step 1 Build a common Define the Step 2 AND.

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Presentation on theme: "A Project of the Center for Victims of Torture Step 1 Build a common Define the Step 2 AND."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Project of the Center for Victims of Torture Step 1 Build a common Define the Step 2 AND

2 Know Yourself Know Your Opponent Know the Terrain From Sun Tzu— the Art of War The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

3 Resources & Allies lWhat is your vision and goals? lWhat are your strengths and limitations? lWho are your allies? Know Yourself The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

4 1. Identify the Problem 5. Develop a plan of action for implementation 2. Build a Common Vision 3. Define the Terrain Using “Tactical Map” & “Spectrum of Allies” tools 4. Explore & Select Tactics Using participants’ experiences & NT resources The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project New Tactics – 5 Steps to Tactical Innovation

5 Know Yourself The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project 1. Identify our problems and concerns

6 Examples of issues that would need more focus Corruption Discrimination Environment Housing Migration

7 Examples of issues that would need more focus CORRUPTION: Corruption in local government building permits DISCRIMINATION: Discrimination against people with handicaps during election processes POLLUTION: Water contamination from an industrial plant causing illness in a nearby community HOUSING: Housing dislocation due to a development project MIGRATION: Abuse of migrant domestic workers

8 1. Identify the Problem 5. Develop a plan of action for implementation New Tactics – 5 Steps to Tactical Innovation 2. Build a Common Vision 3. Define the Terrain Using “Tactical Map” & “Spectrum of Allies” tools 4. Explore & Select Tactics Using participants’ experiences & NT resources The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

9 2. Build a VISION

10 Why do we need a VISION? The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

11 When does a VISION become a GOAL? The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

12 ANSWER: The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

13 The Journey…

14 Know Yourself The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project Taking care of your best resource: YOU

15 The “SUDS” scale 12345678910 What is Stressful For You? HIGH Stress LOW stress






21 Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms

22 Mind (Cognitive) Symptoms

23 Emotional Symptoms

24 Body (Physical) Symptoms

25 Behavioral Symptoms

26 ABCs of Self Care A = AWARENESS

27 ABCs of Self Care B = BALANCE

28 ABCs of Self Care C = CONNECTION

29 What can HELP? Things that influence your stress tolerance level Your support network

30 What can HELP? Things that influence your stress tolerance level Your sense of control VERY IMPORTANT DECISIONS TO MAKE HIGH DEGREE OF UNCERTAINTY STRESS

31 What can HELP? Things that influence your stress tolerance level Your attitude and outlook

32 What can HELP? Things that influence your stress tolerance level Your knowledge and preparation

33 What can HELP? Things that influence your stress tolerance level Your ability to deal with your emotions

34 What can I do? Start the day with a relaxing ritual.

35 What can I do? Eating, Exercising, and Sleeping SLEEP

36 What can I do? Set boundaries.

37 What can I do? Take a daily break from technology. Set a time each day when you completely disconnect (turn off your phone, laptop, TV, etc.)

38 What can I do? Nourish your creative side. Creativity is a powerful antidote to stress. Resume a favorite hobby, start something new, do something you enjoy.

39 Summary Coping with stress Remember: A = Awareness B = Balance C = Connection The best way to cope with stress is also unique to EACH person.

40 Assignment Read the materials on Self Care Develop a self care plan Read the materials for Lesson 3 Before our next session:

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