Names of Presenter(s) > Professional Development in Emerging Careers.

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Presentation on theme: "Names of Presenter(s) > Professional Development in Emerging Careers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Names of Presenter(s) > Professional Development in Emerging Careers

2 What is Counselors for Computing? What do counselors need to know? What can counselors do? Welcome and Introduction

3 … designed to equip counselors with up-to-date information and resources they can use to advise effectively. Brought to you by the National Center for Women & Information Technology and its K-12 Alliance … a four-year campaign through which thousands of students (especially girls) are introduced to computing and encouraged to pursue education and careers in IT. Counselors for Computing Is …

4 “empowering professional school counselors with the knowledge, skills, linkages, and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community, and the world.” Operating from the ASCA Mission

5 C4C Campaign Rollout

6 We use computing, IT, and computer science interchangeably to connote the creation and manipulation of technology; not to be confused with using technology or learning computer applications What We Mean by Computing in  for  ma  tion tech  nol  ogy 1 : all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and use information in its various forms; 2 : the design and use of computers and communications to improve the way we live, learn, work and play.

7 Why Computing and IT Matter  They’re ubiquitous, pervasive »They’re driving the U.S. and global economies »They’re the backbone for transportation, communication »They’re spurring innovations in science and technology »They’re changing human relationships and infrastructures

8 The State of Computing

9 IT jobs 22%

10 We can only fill 61% of 1.4 million jobs available by 2020 We can only fill 29% that require a Bachelor’s or advanced degree Computing Jobs > Candidates

11 88,161 144,500 22,000 CS AP Test Takers

12 Available at

13 Quality of Jobs

14 Given commensurate levels of education and time to graduation, IT occupations are more stable, and pay better than other jobs. Unemployment Low, Salaries High

15 IT Jobs Available with Military Training, Work Experience

16 IT Jobs Available with 2-Year AA, AAS Degree or Industry Certification …continues with 4-yr jobs

17 IT Jobs Available with 4-Year or Advanced Degree

18 NCWIT is the National Center for Women & Information Technology Our coalition includes more than 250 universities, corporations, and non-profits. Mobilizing for Change: NCWIT


20 Why do companies like Merck and Google want a large and diverse technical workforce? Sponsors

21 Enhances Innovation Expands the Qualified Employee Pool Improves the Bottom Line Promotes Equality The Value of Diversity to Computing

22 Young women make up the majority of: Undergraduate degree recipients (57%) AP test-takers (56%) AP calculus test-takers (46%) ISEF finalists in biochemistry (68%) Only 18% of computing and information sciences degree recipients are female Only 17% of AP Computer Science test takers are girls Only 25% of computing-related occupations in the U.S. are held by women Young Women = Untapped Talent

23 Computing Interest Is Declining

24 Source: Data Retrieved from National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System, 2010. Women in Scientific Disciplines Percentage of Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded to U.S. Women in Various STEM Disciplines

25  Challenge your own perceptions about who is right for computing  Raise awareness among kids and parents: show link between interests and computing opportunities using Counselors for Computing resources What Can Counselors Do?

26  Capitalize on the four factors that influence student choices  Help kids distinguish between computing and computer literacy, applications courses  Help kids prepare: suggest job shadows, camps, courses activities  Recommend girls apply for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing What Can Counselors Do?

27 NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing

28 Show what real people accomplish with computing Tell a Compelling Story

29 Girls’ most-reported college majors, according to the SAT: 1. Health and Allied Services 2. Social Sciences and History 3. Business and Commerce 4. Education 5. Visual or Performing Arts Connect with Career Aspirations

30 Those interested in health fields might want to study… …robotics and invent digital prostheses …computer engineering and build the next generation of laser surgical tools …bioinformatics and design a life-saving drug Connect Computing with Careers

31 Which message likely works best? A.“Develop algorithms to simulate excitation on electrode arrays using a microcontroller for a cochlear implant.” B.“Develop software for an implant that will help deaf people to hear.” Connect Computing with Careers

32 Resources for You

33 Resources: Talking Points

34 Pathway Cards Military >> Community College >> University (interest/need) Are you someone who…?  You might consider… (iobs/salary/outlook) For which you need… (degree, cert)(next action) i.e., Study math, job shadow  Resources for Students

35 Working with Kids  Training Your Peers (resourced) (compensated) …Joining the Counselors for Computing Campaign Imagine Yourself …

36 Computer Science-in-a-Box: Unplug Your Curriculum Which Computing Pathway Is Right for Me? Additional Resources

37 Contact Us Jane Krauss Visit NCWIT Questions, Thoughts, Comments

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