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1 subsistence agriculture Type of farming in which the farmer and family can barely make a living.

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Presentation on theme: "1 subsistence agriculture Type of farming in which the farmer and family can barely make a living."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 subsistence agriculture Type of farming in which the farmer and family can barely make a living.

2 2 technology A society's practical knowledge, especially with reference to its material culture and modes of production. Uses science and inventions.

3 3 totalitarianism An ideology where all social, economic, and political powers are centered in the government completely.

4 4 theocracy Nation ruled by religious leaders.

5 5 suffrage The right to vote in elections.

6 6 standard of living Measure of how well people are living based upon the availability of resources and wealth.

7 7 terrorism The use of violence for political purpose. Darryl Worley: ?v=m_-x9kMPauc

8 8 sphere of influence An area of one country under the control of another. In China, these areas guaranteed specific trading privileges to each imperialist nation within its respective sphere.

9 9 Soviet Bloc Countries during the Cold War that were allied with or supported the Soviet Union.

10 10 Ten Commandments The ten laws given to Moses by God, according to the Bible.

11 11 tariff A tax on imports.

12 12 trade deficit More imports than exports. Opposite of “favorable balance of trade”.

13 13 total war Commitment of a nation’s entire military and civilian resources to a war effort.

14 14 Third World Term used to describe the “developing” (poorer) nations of Africa, Latin America, and Asia. 1 st World = technologically advanced nations (U.S.. Europe, Canada, Australia) 2 nd World = Communist nations regarded in the latter part of the 20th century as a political and economic bloc

15 15 traditional economy An economy based on agriculture, with others in society working in simple crafts, such as the manufacturing of cloth or pottery.

16 16 Solidarity An independent Polish labor Union which fought against communism in Poland in the 1980s. Most notable for helping to end communism in Poland and throughout Eastern Europe. - led by Lech Walesa

17 17 superpowers Term given to the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

18 18 status quo Term that describes a state of affairs existing as they are at the present time. The way things are now.

19 19 supply and demand Economic theory of a market economy that prices reflect the demand for a product and its availability. If something is rare, and people want it, the price will be high!

20 20 social mobility Ability to move from one social class to another through education or improvement in income or occupation.

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