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Win, Lose or Draw Vegetables Review. You will be divided into 4 team, and each team member will be assigned a number 1-6. Each person needs a sheet of.

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Presentation on theme: "Win, Lose or Draw Vegetables Review. You will be divided into 4 team, and each team member will be assigned a number 1-6. Each person needs a sheet of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Win, Lose or Draw Vegetables Review

2 You will be divided into 4 team, and each team member will be assigned a number 1-6. Each person needs a sheet of paper and a writing utensil. I will put a question on the screen pertaining to vegetables. EACH PERSON will write down the question on the board. Then, you will write down your answer. I will roll a die. If it lands on your number, you will represent your team and bring your answer sheet to the front. I will check your answer. If you get the answer correct, you get a point, AND you will get a chance to draw for your team for a bonus point! Directions

3 Name two vegetables very high in starch. Question Round 1

4 Answers Round 1 Potato, Corn, Sweet Potato

5 Yellow and orange vegetables provide the body with a great deal of Vitamin A. List two of these vegetables! Question Round 2

6 Pumpkin, squash, sweet potato, carrot Answers Round 2

7 If you eat a lot of leafy green vegetables, you will get a lot of iron and Vitamin C. Name two DARK leafy green veggies! Questions Round 3

8 Spinach, kale, collard greens, mustard greens Answers Round 3

9 List three nutrients found in most vegetables. Questions Round 4

10 Answers Round 4 Carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals

11 Name three of the classes of vegetables. Questions Round 5

12 Stem, root, tuber, flower, seed, leaf, fruit Answers Round 5

13 Which of the following nutrients help the body to fight infection and repair itself? Fiber Vitamin C Fat Questions Round 6

14 Answer Round 6 Vitamin A

15 Name 2 qualities you should look for when selecting fresh vegetables. Question Round 7

16 Bright color, no bruising or mold, firmness, not too big or too small Answers Round 7

17 Fresh vegetables cost less and taste better when they are __________________. Questions Round 8

18 IN season Answers Round 8

19 Name three ways you can prepare vegetables. Questions Round 9

20 Steaming, baking, simmering, deep frying, roasting, grilling, microwaving Answer Round 9

21 What cooking method causes vegetables to lose the most nutrients? Question 10

22 Boiling Answer 10

23 Define vegetable. Question 11

24 A part of a plant which is edible by humans Answer 11

25 What kind of vegetables are the closest to fresh? Question 12

26 Frozen Answer 12

27 How should a properly cooked vegetable taste and feel? Question 13

28 Fork Tender- not too mushy, but not too raw Answer 13

29 Why is it so important to cook vegetables in a minimum amount of water? Question 14

30 Too much water destroys the nutrients. Answer 14

31 Name three ROOT vegetables we studied Question 15

32 Radish, beet, carrot, rutabaga, parsnips, turnip Answer 15

33 List three examples of a vegetable that falls into the LEAF classification. Question 16

34 Spinach, lettuce, kale, brussels sprouts, cabbage Answer 16

35 Vegetables tend to have the most nutrients when they are ______________. Question 17

36 Fresh Answer 17

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