Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Smart Light –Ultra High Speed Projector for Spatial Multiplexing Optical Transmission Hideaki.

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Presentation on theme: "Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Smart Light –Ultra High Speed Projector for Spatial Multiplexing Optical Transmission Hideaki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Smart Light –Ultra High Speed Projector for Spatial Multiplexing Optical Transmission Hideaki NII, Maki SUGIMOTO, Masahiko INAMI The University of Erectro- Communications, JAPAN

2 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Table of contents Introduction –Camera vs. Projector –Comparison of characteristics Smart light concept (next to projector) Preliminary experiment The design of LED projector Experiment of LED projector Conclusion

3 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Projector vs. video camera Acquire images. Acquire information with images Project images Project information with images. CameraProjector A projector is the dual of a camera. R Raskar, iLamps,2003

4 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Basic concept of image-processing

5 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Basic concept of projector image processing

6 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Projector-Based Tracking System Demonstrated at SIGGRAPH2004

7 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Augmented Coliseum To be Demonstrated at SIGGRAPH2005

8 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications A compact battery-less information terminal (CoBIT) for location-based support systems Takuichi Nishimura, SPIE, number 4863B-12, 2002 CoBIT can project various kinds of information according to a position. But LED light can project only single sound.

9 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications RFIG Lamp Use RFID and a portable projector to display RFID tag’s location directly.

10 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Smart light concept Use projector and camera to communicate to detached device. To increase band-width, use space division.

11 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Why LED projector ? Most high-speed pixel :LED ClassFrame rate LCD projector60[Hz] DMD projector10,000[Hz] LED projector10,000,000[H z]

12 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Preliminary experiment Luminance of A and B (cd/m 2 ) Response from detector Response from subject 82;82No 82;88Yes 82;95Yes 77;77No 77;72YesNo 77;67Yes Result Detector Experimental setup

13 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Experiment of LED projector Result Positional relationship Experimental setup To check the signal separation quality. We prepare this experimental set. 50mm 300mm

14 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications LED projector Can project small image for human’s eye Can project invisible information (sound/video stream). Different data stream to each pixel. Projection pattern can change in real time. Subject can select the point by the detector and get data stream with no time delay.

15 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Components of LED projector

16 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Experiment of LED projector

17 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Experiment of LED projector LED projector and signal generatorPhoto detector and headset

18 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Characteristic of this experiment Subject can see bright area and dark area on the screen. The bright area has music stream for the headphone, and the dark area has noise. Subject can select the point by the detector and hear a sound stream with no time delay. The bright area has move in rhythm of the music. As the result, subject can move a detector in rhythm of music and listen a music continuously.

19 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications

20 Conclusion Concept of “Smart light”. Fundamental experiment of LED projector. Design of LED projector. The experiment of LED projector.

21 Inami Laboratory / The University of Electro-Communications Thank you

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