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The 1990’s By: Jocelyn Ulmer Amanda Homer Dylan Richards.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1990’s By: Jocelyn Ulmer Amanda Homer Dylan Richards."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1990’s By: Jocelyn Ulmer Amanda Homer Dylan Richards

2 1990  Political:  August 6 th : The Gulf War began between Iraq and nations allied with Kuwait. The USA sent troops in to help fight against Iraq.

3 1991  Economic:March 15 th :  Oil Company Exxon announces to spend $1 Billion on the restoration of Alaska after the Exxon Valdez spill  Science/ Techonology:  The World Wide Web was founded

4 1992  Political:  October 3 rd : Singer/songwriter Sinead O’Connor protests an alleged case of child abuse by the Catholic Church, and rips a photo of Pope John Paul II on live television, causing widespread disorder and political unease  Literature: Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor  Newbery Award Winner  Audio books and books online became popular  Oprah’s books club  became big

5 1992 cont.  Movies/ TV:  Aladdin  The Crosby show ended in 1992  Science and Technology:  Microsoft Windows 3.1 was created

6 1993  Economic:December 8 th :  North American Free Trade Agreement signed into law by President Bill Clinton. NAFTA was a trade pact created to get rid of trade restrictions between the USA, Canada, and Mexico.  Movies/TV:  Jurassic Park  Cheers

7 1994  Political:June 12 th : O.J. Simpson murders Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman outside his home, which sparks a political case lasting years.  Science/ Technology:  Started experimentation with the abortion pill  TV/Movies:  Friends became popular  Dumb and Dumber  The Lion King  Forrest Gump

8 1995  Science/ Technology:  November 1 st : Partial birth abortions are banned by a House of Representatives vote 288-139.  Yahoo and eBay is founded  Arts:  Toy Story was a popular movie  Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech was popular  April 2 nd : Major League baseball 234 day strike ends

9 1996  Economic  August 22: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act or PRWORA was enacted. It aimed to reduce welfare and, in doing so, reducing immigration. Welfare was believed by some senators to be causing an in increase in immigration.  Space Jam was the popular movie

10 1997  Political:  Madeleine Albright was sworn in as the first Secretary of State with a unanimous vote  Science and Technology:  Mad cow disease makes headlines after it is transmitted to humans

11 1997 cont.  Popular Movies/TV shows:  Married With Children  The Titanic  Men in Black  A Bug’s Life

12 1998  Political: January 21:  It was announced that President Bill Clinton was having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.  The Ice Storm in Northern New England left many homes without electricity for days and some for weeks or months.

13 1998 cont.  Popular TV shows:  That 70’s Show  Will and Grace  Science/Technology:  Construction started and later the first part of the International Space Station was sent into space

14 1999  April 20,1999: 13 students and a teacher were killed along with 21 students injured at Columbine High School in Colorado.  The 6 billionth person to populate the earth is born  Science and Technology:  The Y2K scare: a software glitch that would affect computer systems when the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve. People thought this might be the end of the world

15 1999 cont.  Popular Movies/ TV shows:  Toy Story 2  Armageddon  Baywatch

16 Popular Artists of the 90’s  Robert Venturi  Annie Liebowitz: photographing celebrities  Bill Viola: Video Art  Cindy Sherman: Feminist photography  Maya Lin: Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial  Jacob Lawrence  John Biggers  Davdi Adickes  Arlene Polite

17 Popular Music Artists  NSYNC  The Backstreet Boys  Britney Spears  Spice Girls  Ricky Martin  Michael Jackson  Whitney Houston  Celine Dion  LL Cool J  Elton John  Boys II Men

18 Vocab  Chill- To hangout or be casual  Whatever- the speaker doesn’t want to waste time thinking about what someone else has said  Crib- one’s home/apartment  “Been there, done that”- A person who has already experienced something and doesn’t want to again  “Just Do It”- Used to express toughness/ determination in adversity

19 Important People  Kurt Cobain- Shot himself on April 5 th, 1994. Known for his grungy clothes and Seattle Music, many people were upset because of his influence with his music  J.K. Rowling- Wrote the Harry Potter series which was initially rejected by several publishing houses, now many people love to read these books and brings a fantasy to the real world  Michael Jordan- Best Basketball player of all time, influenced many generations of basketball players, led leagues to lucrative endorsements  Sergey Brin & Larry Page- Co- founders of Google, the largest search engine used  Oprah Winfrey- Sponsors many charity events and her talk show brought self-help to the culture  Bill Gates- Founded Microsoft which shaped how Americans can use their computers  President Clinton- First democrat to be elected to two terms in the White House since FDR, and survived impeachment

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