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Top Events of the 20 th Century 1970s. Event 67 On June 17, 1972, Washington police catch five men breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Events of the 20 th Century 1970s. Event 67 On June 17, 1972, Washington police catch five men breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Events of the 20 th Century 1970s

2 Event 67 On June 17, 1972, Washington police catch five men breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate apartment complex in Washington. It becomes clear that the Committee to Re-elect President Richard Nixon, and the White House itself, played a role in an attempt to spy on the Democrats. It also becomes clear that the White House is involved in an attempt to cover up that role. In 1973, Senate hearings begin. Public ranked this event 88

3 Event 38 The Supreme Court rules in 1973 that women have a right to abort a fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Roe vs. Wade decision gives rise to opposing groups: "right- to-life" organizations attempt to limit or deny abortions; "pro-choice" groups defend and preserve women's rights to abortions. The abortion issue remains one of the most divisive in America. Public ranked this event 26 Public ranked this event 26

4 Event 73 In January 1973, the United States and North Vietnam announce a cease-fire, ending America's direct role in the Vietnam War. The last U.S. troops leave in March. In Vietnam, the war continues for another two years. It ends with North Vietnam's capture of Saigon in April 1975. Public ranked this event 60 Public ranked this event 60

5 Event 14 On Aug. 9, 1974, Richard Nixon resigns his presidency in disgrace, brought down by the Watergate scandal of political spying and sabotage. He is the first American president to leave office. He is immediately succeeded by Vice President Gerald Ford, who tells the nation that "the long national nightmare (of Watergate) is over." Nixon and his family return home to San Clemente, Calif. Public ranked this event 39 Public ranked this event 39

6 Event 14 Nixon resigns the presidency in disgrace August 9, 1974

7 Event 63 Communists reunite Vietnam and occupy Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) without a fight following April 30, 1975 surrender of South Vietnam. The last U.S. personnel escape by helicopter from the roof of the U.S. Embassy, leaving behind a throng of frantic non-communist Vietnamese. Many flee as communist forces gained ground since President Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy began in 1968 after the Tet Offensive and bitter U.S. opposition to the war. Public ranked this event 99

8 U.S. troops served: 3,403,100 U.S. casualties: 58,000 Cost to U.S.: $150,000,000,000 Results: First foreign war in which U.S. failed to achieve victory, or its goals; country was deeply divided; North Vietnamese and communist forces controlled all of Vietnam by 1975; War Powers Resolution passed in 1973 to stipulate president to check with congress before putting troops into action.

9 Event 97 Bill Gates and his college friend Paul Allen launch Microsoft Corp., to develop software for the fledgling "Altair 8800" personal computer. The company eventually dominates the PC software market with its MS DOS and Windows operating systems and other software innovations. - 1975 Public ranked this event 58 Public ranked this event 58

10 Event 31 American students Stephen P. Jobs and Stephen G. Wozniak found the Apple Computer Co. and introduce the Apple II personal computer in 1977. The Apple II is much less expensive than computers up to that time and sells successfully for business and even some home use. IBM joins the field in 1981. Public ranked this event 71 Public ranked this event 71

11 Event 95 Louise Brown, the world's first "test-tube baby," is born July 25, 1978 in Lancashire, England. She's a healthy 5 pounds, 12 ounces. It's the first authenticated birth of a baby "conceived" outside a mother's body. An egg cell is removed surgically from the mother and fertilized with the father's sperm in a petri dish. Public ranked this event 67 Public ranked this event 67

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