GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 1 ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:ITU-T Status Report.

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Presentation on theme: "GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 1 ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:ITU-T Status Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 1 ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early Warning AGENDA ITEM:Joint GTSC/GRSC, agenda item 4.2 CONTACT:Pierre-André Probst ( GSC11(06)_Joint_49 P.A.Probst/Chairman of ITU-T SG16

2 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 2 Scope of ITU-T activities: –Development of Recommendations for interoperable systems and telecommunications facilities in Early Warning and Disaster Relief situations (Study Groups) –Coordination and collaboration among the key players involved in those situations (PCP-TDR) ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

3 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 3 Main Study Groups involved [1/2]: –SG 2 (International Emergency Preferential Scheme / IEPS, special numbering for TDR scenarios, …) –SG 4 (Network management framework for ETS,…) –SG 9 (Preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom networks,…) –SG 11 (BICC and ISUP Support for IEPS,…) ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

4 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 4 Main Study Groups involved [2/2]: –SG 13 (Framework on network requirements and capabilities to support emergency telecommunications, incl. NGN,…) –SG15 (Automatically Switched Optical Network,…) –SG16 (Priority mechanisms and message broadcast over multimedia systems,…) –SG17 (Security aspects,…) –SG19 (Emergency services in IMT-2000,…) ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

5 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 5 Coordination 1/2: –TSAG: ITU-T Action Plan for Standardization on TDR/EW –SG2: ITU-T Lead Study Group for Telecommunication for TDR/EW – Partnership Coordination Panel on TDR Monitor the progress of technical standardization work in general and in particular a mapping to the requirements of the different categories of users Address coordination issues between the partners Involve institutional users in the standardization process ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

6 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 6 Coordination 2/2: –Partnership Coordination Panel on TDR Develop and maintain contact with entities not traditionally involved in standards development PCP-TDR present Members: - ITU-T: SG2, SG4, SG16 and other SGs on request, - ITU-R: SG8 and others on request, - ITU-D: SG2, - SDOs: ISO/IEC, APT, ATIS T1, ETSI, IETF, OASIS, TIA and others, - Intergovernmental Organizations: UN-OCHA, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO and others, - NGOs: IFRC, ICRC, TSF, IARU and others, - Industry Forum and Consortium: MESA, TETRA and others. ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

7 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 7 New developments and trends: –Increased importance of systems to support early warning needs: collection and transmission of relevant information (Citizen to Authority & Authority to Authority) Information broadcast (Authority to Citizen) –Evolution of telecommunication systems (mobile, internet,…) –Importance of considering accessibility issues ( e.g. users with disabilities, language barriers, …) ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

8 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 8 Proposed actions: –Encourage different PSOs to develop EW/TDR standards for the systems under their responsibility In ITU-T: encourage and stimulate contributions to the different ITU-T SGs –Improve cooperation and coordination among the PSOs, in particular through participation to the PCP- TDR –Contribute to the 2 nd Workshop on EW/TDR (19-20 October 2006(*)) (*) Date to be confirmed! ITU-T Status Report on Disaster Relief and Early warning

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