GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Home Networking in ITU-T An overview of the Home Networking studies in ITU-T and of the Joint Co-ordination.

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Presentation on theme: "GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Home Networking in ITU-T An overview of the Home Networking studies in ITU-T and of the Joint Co-ordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Home Networking in ITU-T An overview of the Home Networking studies in ITU-T and of the Joint Co-ordination Activity which has been set up to harmonize these studies across the various ITU-T Study Groups and seek co-operation with outside Home Networking bodies SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:Home Networking in ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:GTSC-4, agenda item 5.7 CONTACT:Andrew Nunn, Convener ITU-T JCA-HN (Joint Co- ordination Activity – Home Networking) GTSC4(06)_09

2 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Current Home Networking Activity in ITU-T (1/4) Question NumberTitle 8/5Home Networks 4/9Application programming interfaces (API) for advanced cable television and sound programme distribution within the scope of Study Group 9 5/9Functional requirements for a universal integrated receiver or set- top box for reception of cable television and other services

3 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Current Home Networking Activity in ITU-T (2/4) Question NumberTitle 10/9The extension of cable-based services over broadband in Home Networks 13/12Multimedia QoS/QoE performance requirements and assessment methods All/13NGN is an end-to-end project. Home Networking is one component in many aspects of NGN, e.g., architecture, performance, security

4 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Current Home Networking Activity in ITU-T (3/4) Question NumberTitle 1/15Coordination of Access Network Transport standards 2/15Optical systems for fibre access networks 4/15Transceivers for customer access and in-premises phone line networking systems on metallic pairs

5 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Current Home Networking Activity in ITU-T (4/4) Question NumberTitle 10/15Optical fibres and cables for the access network to and in buildings and homes 21/16Multimedia Architecture 22/16Multimedia Applications and Services 24/16QoS and End-to-End Performance in Multimedia Systems 9/17Secure communication services

6 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Joint Co-ordination Activity (1/4) JCA–HN established by TSAG in March 2005 Dedicated e-mail reflector and website set up Initial membership consists of ITU-T Study Group Chairmen, Chairmens nominees and Study Group Counsellors Progressing work via e-mail correspondence Face-to-face meetings when necessary

7 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Joint Co-ordination Activity (2/4) First meeting of JCA-HN on October 2005 reviewed ITU-T workshop Opportunities and Challenges in Home Networking The HN Workshop identified a number of issues requiring resolution, and of these the JCA-HN considered the following to be priorities: –Need for a network independent and service independent architecture –Quality of Service (QoS) –Need for spectrum allocation for Wi-Fi in the UHF television band –Need to align HN terminology between the various bodies working on Home Networking

8 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Joint Co-ordination Activity (3/4) ITU-T SGs 9, 13, 15 and 16 asked to establish a task force to develop a network independent and service independent architecture for Home Networking ITU-T SGs 9 and 12 asked to establish a task force to look at QoS and terminology issues The scope of the JCA-HN was finalised following the first meeting of the JCA-HN and discussions at the TSAG meeting in November 2005. It was agreed that the name Home Network Initiative will be used to describe work in this field across all the ITU-T Study Groups

9 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Joint Co-ordination Activity (4/4) JCA-HN will: Co-ordinate the Home Network Initiative activity across all the relevant ITU-T Study Groups (e.g. currently ITU-T SGs 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17) and liaise with relevant ITU-R SGs (currently, SGs 1 and 6) Seek co-operation from external bodies working in the field and disseminate information received from these bodies to the relevant ITU-T Study Groups Identify what should be standardised by ITU-T Prepare a roadmap for this standardisation activity

10 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Co-operation with outside bodies (1/2) Bodies who have agreed to co-operate with ITU-T Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) CE-Powerline Communication Alliance (CEPCA) DSL Forum Home Gateway Initiative HomePNA Open PLC European Research Alliance (OPERA) UPnP

11 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Co-operation with outside bodies (2/2) At the World Standards Co-operation (WSC - a co- operation between ISO, IEC and ITU) workshop on digital technology in the home held in February 2006 in Geneva, it was agreed that WSC co-operation with outside Home Networking bodies should be carried out under the existing ITU-T JCA-HN At the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 meeting held in March 2006 in Munich, it was agreed to jointly work with the ITU-T on a number of Home Networking topics

12 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Joint work with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Network and service independent systems architecture Aim: Standard, common text Taxonomy/classification as a tool to develop a roadmap that may need to fill gaps and harmonise multiple options Aim: Common living document Alignment of terminology Aim: Technical alignment Standardisation roadmap Aim: Common living document

13 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Conclusion The ITU-T has established a co-ordination activity on Home Networking which enables them to work with the relevant outside bodies The JCA-HN encourages Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs) and other standards bodies to work with the ITU-T to develop harmonized Home Networking standards JCA-HN website: projects/jca-hn/index.phtml projects/jca-hn/index.phtml

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