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Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character Matthew 5:3-16.

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1 Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character Matthew 5:3-16

2 Purpose of a Constitution 1.Outlines the character of a nation 2.Defines the Moral tone of a Nation 3.Distinguishes the judicial posture of a nation Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

3 The Constitution of Heaven 1 Law – 2 Parts God’s Law – Ten Commandments Moses’ Law – Law of Works also known as: Law of the Covenants (613 Laws) Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

4 Jesus in the N. Testament sums up Heavens Constitution The Law of Love Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

5 The righteousness of the Pharisees -Works of the Law -Traditions -Human Effort Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

6 Phariseeism in the Church Exclusionist : did not welcome anyone that was not like them Judgmental: anyone with a defect accrued divine judgment Elitist: Proud of their Jewish/Pharisaic heritage Hypocrites: (PC) Artificial Righteousness Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

7 Manifesto: A Public declaration of principles, policies or intentions as one issued by a government, sovereign or organization Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

8 2 different Greek words describe the word “bless” Eulogia - This kind of blessing seeks an effect. It refers to an act of bestowing praise or favor. Makarios - This kind of blessing makes a statement of value. It refers to a state of blissful living, well- being, or happiness usually as a result of fulfilling some stipulation Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

9 Blessed are the Poor In Spirit, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Ps 34:18) a.Penes – one so poor that he earns his daily bread by his own labour (autodiakonos) –by one’s own hand ministers to his own necessities a.Ptochos – one who obtains his living by (begging) or generosity of others to; crouch, cower like a beggar Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

10 Blessed are the Poor In Spirit, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Ps 34:18) People who know they have nothing of value or worth within themselves to offer God so they rely on the generosity of his grace, mercy & forgiveness to save them (no longer self-sufficient-godlike) They are promised…the Kingdom of God! Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

11 Blessed are they that Mourn, for they shall be comforted (Ps 31:1-2) People who are haunted by ungodly choices and are remorseful of personal and collective sin. Their confession brings about healing and comforting….by the Holy Spirit our Comforter Vincent, M. R. (2002). Word studies in the New Testament (1:36). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

12 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth These are People who submit to the very authority of the King. Those who submit, understand authority and they inherit the earth Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

13 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled These are People that possess an appetite for righteousness and dare to seek after it…with the promise to be filled – completely satisfied Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

14 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. (James 2:13) These are people who are consistent with the teaching of the New Testament that indeed only the merciful shall receive mercy. Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

15 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Prov. 28:9) Katharos(gk) means unmixed, unadulterated, an unalloyed heart Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

16 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Prov. 28:9) People that understand to not mix their righteousness with iniquity,,,they shall see God If I regard iniquity in my heart, God will not hear me (Ps 66:18) Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

17 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God People who are peace-makers, are doing a God-like work. The man who makes peace is engaged in the very work which the God of peace is doing… making peace with men…he is a son of God Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

18 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. People who realize that our identity with Christ will bring about suffering! Whether through insult, slander, false accusations or persecution…we must know and accept this reality of the Kingdom Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective:Pt4 Developing Kingdom Character

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